
   2021-07-05 互联网讯


核心提示:   据路透社6月24日消息称,三位消息人士对路透表示,沙特阿拉伯石油巨头沙特阿美(Aramco)去年筹集的100




  三位知情人士称,在过去几个月里,它重新谈判并延长了去年 5 月筹集的 100 亿美元一年期贷款。


  其中一位消息人士称,由于去年市场状况低迷导致“COVID溢价”, 此次贷款的定价比最初的贷款更紧。





  沙特阿拉伯王储Mohammed bin Salman 4 月表示,沙特正在讨论将沙特阿美1%的股份出售给一家全球能源公司,并可能在未来一两年内出售更多股份,包括出售给国际投资者。

  朱佳妮 摘译自 路透社


  Saudi Aramco Extends $10 Billion Loan on Improved Terms, Sources Say

  Saudi Arabian oil giant Aramco has secured a one-year extension to a $10 billion loan it raised last year, negotiating improved terms in the process, three sources told Reuters.

  Aramco has borrowed tens of billions of dollars in the past few years to keep up with Saudi Arabia's financing needs in an era of lower oil prices.

  This is in addition to a public sale of a minority stake in the company and the recent leasing of some of its pipeline assets for $12.4 billion.

  It has over the past few months renegotiated and extended a $10 billion one-year loan it raised in May last year, three sources with direct knowledge of the matter said.

  The loan had a one-year extension option, but instead of paying a higher interest rate to extend the deal - as agreed as part of that facility - it has asked for better terms to reflect improved market conditions, the sources said.

  The pricing is tighter than the original loan's due to a "COVID premium" that resulted from depressed market conditions last year, one of the sources said.

  Two of the sources said the extended facility pays as much as 30%-40% less than it would have paid under the original agreement.

  "They are very good at negotiating," another source said.

  Aramco did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

  Banks keep lending to Aramco and comply with what one banker said were "aggressive" pricing requests partly because of the new business it is expected to generate, two of the sources said.

  Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said in April that the kingdom was in discussions to sell a 1% Aramco stake to a global energy company and could sell further shares within the next year or two, including to international investors.

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