
   2021-07-05 互联网讯


核心提示:   据钻探承包商网站6月23日报道,日前英国石油公司(BP)宣布,美国墨西哥湾Manuel项目的安全启动是一个

   据钻探承包商网站6月23日报道,日前英国石油公司(BP)宣布,美国墨西哥湾Manuel项目的安全启动是一个重要的里程碑,这是预计2021年全球交付的五个主要项目中的第四个。Manuel包括一个新的海底生产系统,用于连接到Na Kika平台的两口新井。这些井预计将使平台总产量增加20100桶油当量/天。

  BP墨西哥湾和加拿大高级副总裁Starlee Sykes表示,Manuel正是那种对我们在墨西哥湾的业务增长至关重要的高价值项目。Bp专注且有弹性的油气业务是我们战略的关键支柱。这家初创公司是我们团队致力于安全可靠运营的又一个例子。

  BP运营的油井,钻井深度约为 21,000 英尺,位于Na Kika平台东南部,距新奥尔良海岸约 140 英里。BP和壳牌各持有Manuel开发项目50%的工作权益。

  BP项目、生产和运营高级副总裁Ewan Drummond表示,我们在Manuel的谨慎投资是我们目标的一部分,即到2021年底,新项目将增加90万桶油当量/日的产量。在我们最熟悉的流域安全生产弹性碳氢化合物是推进我们转型为综合性能源公司战略的核心。

  郝芬 译自 钻探承包商网


  BP announces startup of Manuel project in US Gulf of Mexico

  BP announced a significant milestone with the safe startup of the Manuel project in the US Gulf of Mexico, the fourth of five major projects expected to be delivered globally in 2021. Manuel includes a new subsea production system for two new wells tied into the Na Kika platform. The wells are expected to boost gross platform production by an estimated 20,100 BOE/day.

  “Manuel is exactly the type of high-value project that is critical to growing our business here in the Gulf of Mexico. bp’s focused and resilient hydrocarbons business is a key pillar of our strategy. This startup is another example of our team’s commitment to safe and reliable operations,” said Starlee Sykes, BP Senior VP Gulf of Mexico and Canada.

  The BP-operated wells, drilled to a depth of approximately 21,000 ft, are located southeast of the Na Kika platform, approximately 140 miles off the coast of New Orleans. BP and Shell each hold a 50% working interest in the Manuel development.

  “Our disciplined investment in Manuel is part of our target to add 900,000 BOE/day of production from new projects by the end of 2021. The safe production of resilient hydrocarbons in the basins we know best is core to advancing our strategy to transform into an integrated energy company,” said Ewan Drummond, BP Senior VP of Projects, Production and Operations.

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