
   2021-07-08 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油气新闻7月1日消息称,欧佩克的最新数据显示,与2021年4月的142.9万桶/天相比,尼日利亚5月的原油





  报告显示,产量分成合同(PSC)贡献了最高的产量,为3.12042亿桶,其次是合资企业(JV)和 Sole Risk(SR)分别为3.10284亿桶 和 8982.4万桶。其他包括边际油田(MF)、和服务合同(SC),分别占 217.62万桶 和 13.30万桶。

  该报告还显示,2019 年原油总产量为 7.35661亿桶,较 2018 年记录的 7.01090 亿桶增加了 4.93%,其中企业产量4.6901亿桶,而代表联邦政府的尼日利亚国家石油公司(NNPC)产量为2.6665亿桶。NNPC原油产量分析显示,1.59411亿桶用于出口,而1.07239亿桶则用于国内炼油。

  97% 的国内炼油量 (1.04475亿桶) 用于直销直购 (DSDP) 计划,而其余 3% (276.4万桶) 则交付给炼油厂。



  朱佳妮 摘译自 油气新闻


  Nigeria’s oil production falls by 6.32% in 3 months

  Crude oil production in Nigeria fell by 6.32 percent to 1.344 million barrels per day in May, 2021 compared to 1.429 million barrels per day recorded in April 2021, latest data from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, has shown.

  The report also indicated that Nigeria’s average daily oil production in the first quarter of 2021 was 1.404mbpd compared to average daily oil production of 1.301mbpd recorded in the fourth quarter of 2020.

  The production volumes are exclusive of condensate oil which is not part of OPEC reporting requirement.

  A new report by the Nigerian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, NEITI, showed that total oil production in 2019 was 735.244mmbbls, representing an increase of 4.87 percent over the 701.101mmbbls recorded in 2018.

  The report showed that Production sharing contracts, PSCs, contributed the highest volumes of 312.042mmbbls followed by Joint Venture (JV) and Sole Risk, SR, which recorded 310,284mmbbls and 89.824mmbbls respectively. Others are Marginal Fields, MFs, and Service Contracts, SCs, which accounted for 21,762mmbbls and 1,330mmbbls respectively.

  The report also showed that total crude oil lifted in 2019 was 735.661mmbbls, indicating a 4.93 percent increase to the 701.090 mmbbls recorded in 2018, with companies lifting 469.010mmbbls, while 266.650mmbbls was lifted by the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) on behalf of the Federation. Analysis of crude oil lifted by NNPC showed that 159.411mmbbls was for export, while 107.239mmbbls was for domestic refining.

  97 percent of the volumes for domestic refining (104.475mmbbls) was utilised for the Direct Sale Direct Purchase, DSDP, programme while the remaining 3 percent (2.764mmbbls) was delivered to the refineries.

  A five-year analysis of crude oil production showed that the highest crude oil production (776.668mmbbls) was recorded in 2015 with a sharp decline to 659.137mmbbls in 2016. Subsequent years witnessed an increase in production.

  According to the report, total crude oil production in 2017 was 690mmbbls, an increase of 4.5 percent over the 2016 production volume.​

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