
   2021-07-08 互联网讯


核心提示:   据美国钻井网站2021年6月28日报道,美国石油协会(API)日前发布了一个新的模板,供石油和天然气公司更


  这一举措是在今年春天发布API的气候行动框架之后做出的,API将其描述为加快气候解决方案的下一步努力。 根据API的说法,这个新的GHG模板是在与API的成员、金融部门、决策者、行业客户和其他相关方协商后制定的,旨在提供一套一致和统一的核心温室气体指标,使气候相关报告更具可比性。

  API强调,其新的GHG模板对指标名称、度量单位和报告边界的定义进行了标准化,以促进从一个公司到另一个公司的可比报告。 这个新的GHG模板提示输入范围1和范围2的温室气体排放数据,包括企业可以自愿公开报告的核心温室气体排放指标。 它还包括公司减少温室气体排放努力的指标、公司温室气体目标和其他气候报告资源的地点,以及公司可以表明其第三方核查温室气体报告的部分。


  李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


  API Launches New GHG Template

  The American Petroleum Institute (API) has launched a new template for oil and gas companies to more consistently report and track greenhouse gas (GHG) indicators.

  The move, which follows the release of the organization’s Climate Action framework in spring, is described by the API as the next step in its efforts to accelerate climate solutions. Developed in consultation with the API’s members, the financial sector, policymakers, industry customers, and other interested parties, the template aims to provide a consistent and uniform set of core GHG indicators to enable greater comparability in climate related reporting, according to the API.

  API’s template standardizes the names of indicators, units of measure, and the definitions for reporting boundaries to prompt comparable reporting from one company to another, the organization highlights. The template prompts for data on Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions and consists of core GHG emissions indicators that companies can voluntarily report publicly. It is also said to include indicators on a company’s efforts to mitigate GHG emissions and a place to indicate a company’s GHG targets and other climate reporting resources, as well as a section where a company can indicate its third-party verification of GHG reporting.

  “As an industry of engineers and problem solvers, we measure and track progress in everything we do and aim to share relevant data transparently,” the API’s president and chief executive officer, Mike Sommers, said in an API statement.

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