
   2021-07-08 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油价网6月30日消息称,国际能源署(IEA)周三表示,作为低碳电力“被遗忘的巨人”,水电将需要重大政


  IEA 估计,水力发电目前占全球发电总量的六分之一,是低碳电力的最大单一来源,比其他所有可再生能源的总和还要多。

  这个总部位于巴黎的机构在其关于这种能源的第一份报告《水电特别市场报告》中说,到 2020 年,水电是仅次于煤炭和天然气的第三大发电来源。




  国际能源署执行主任Fatih Birol在一份声明中称:“水电是被遗忘的清洁电力巨头,如果各国认真考虑实现净零排放目标,就需要将水电直接列入能源和气候议程。”



  曹海斌 摘译自 油价网


  IEA: World Needs ‘Forgotten Giant’ Hydropower For Net-Zero Goals

  Hydropower, the “forgotten giant” of low-carbon electricity, will need major policy support to help accelerate the expansion of solar and wind power and put the world on track for net-zero goals, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Wednesday.

  Hydropower currently provides one-sixth of global electricity generation and is the single largest source of low-carbon power—and more than all other renewables combined, the IEA estimates.

  In 2020, hydropower was the third?largest electricity generation source after coal and natural gas, the Paris-based agency said in its first report on this energy source, Hydropower Special Market Report.

  Global hydropower capacity has jumped by 70 percent over the past 20 years, but its share of electricity generation has remained stable because of increased generation from wind, solar, natural gas, and coal-fired capacity, according to the IEA.

  This decade, hydropower capacity worldwide is forecast to rise by 17 percent, driven by India, Turkey, and Ethiopia. However, the projected growth for this decade is nearly 25 percent slower than the expansion in the previous decade, the IEA said.

  Governments need to enact strong policy actions to reverse the slowdown in hydropower growth, the agency said.

  “Hydropower is the forgotten giant of clean electricity, and it needs to be put squarely back on the energy and climate agenda if countries are serious about meeting their net zero goals,” the IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said in a statement.

  “Hydropower’s advantages can make it a natural enabler of secure transitions in many countries as they shift to higher and higher shares of solar and wind – provided that hydropower projects are developed in a sustainable and climate-resilient way,” Birol added.

  Yet, recent major hydropower projects, Case in point: a more severe than usual drought in California this year has depleted reservoirs and lakes, including the ones feeding some of the largest hydropower facilities, putting the state again at risk of power outages during heatwaves this summer.

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