
   2021-07-08 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油价网6月28日消息称,氢的飞跃始于去年夏天。就在去年6月,德国宣布了一项“国家氢战略”,计划到2

   据油价网6月28日消息称,氢的飞跃始于去年夏天。就在去年6月,德国宣布了一项“国家氢战略”,计划到2030年建立一个拥有 5GW 可再生能源的国内市场,专门用于制氢。同月,德国与北非国家摩洛哥签署了一项合作协议,在该国开发一个100兆瓦的绿色氢设施。




  氢谷的概念出现在迪拜智库Dii Desert Energy和咨询公司Roland Berger联合撰写的一份新报告《海湾合作委员会地区的绿色氢潜力》中。这 34 个氢谷在世界范围内处于不同的发展阶段,其中20多个国家在欧洲,其他国家在澳大利亚、中国、日本、泰国、沙特阿拉伯、阿曼、智利和美国。

  迪拜智库Dii Desert Energy首席执行官Cornelius Matthes表示:“你可以在毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥和埃及等国增加更具体的大规模绿色氢/分子生产项目。”




  朱佳妮 摘译自 油价网


  Germany Takes The Lead In Pivotal Year For Hydrogen

  Hydrogen’s leap forward started last summer. It was just last June when Germany announced a “National Hydrogen Strategy” to create a domestic market with 5GW of renewable energy dedicated to hydrogen production by 2030. The same month, Germany signed a cooperative agreement with Morocco to develop a 100MW green hydrogen facility in the North African country.

  A month later the EU announced its ‘Hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe,’ setting the ambitious target of 6GW of hydrogen electrolysis to produce close to 1 Mt annually by 2024 (and 40GW of electrolysis capacity producing 10 Mt by 2030).

  News of the first real megaproject came almost simultaneously. In July the Helios Green Fuels project was announced with an intention to deploy 4GW of renewable power to produce 650 metric tons of hydrogen per day, supporting the production of 1.2 Mt of ammonia annually at the planned NEOM city in Saudi Arabia (with production to begin in 2025).

  In a year, the world for hydrogen has completely changed, with announced projects rising from MW to double-digit GW-scale. A recent listing has 22 major projects of 1GW or greater at various locations around the world. Another has 34 ‘hydrogen valleys,’ where production, storage, distribution and final use are in one area of relatively close proximity.

  The concept of hydrogen valleys appears in a new report, ‘The Potential for Green Hydrogen in the GCC Region,’ by Dubai-based think tank Dii Desert Energy and the consultancy Roland Berger. The 34 are in different stages of development worldwide, with more than 20 in Europe, others in Australia, China, Japan, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Chile, and the US.

  “You can add more specific large-scale projects for the production of green hydrogen/molecules in countries like Mauritania, Morocco, Egypt,” says Cornelius Matthes, CEO of the Dubai-based think tank Dii Desert Energy.

  “There has been a huge explosion of announcements since last year which is generally good for the market,” he adds.

  Matthes cautions that many of the projects are at a very early stage, conceptual, without clear paths to funding. Still the growing list is significant.

  “It creates the right momentum, the right fantasy,” says Matthes. “It shows hydrogen will have a major role in the energy transition.”​

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