
   2021-07-08 互联网讯


核心提示:   据ICIS-MRC网站6月29日莫斯科报道, 根据化学工程参考美国化学理事会 (ACC) 的数据显示,继4月份下降1

   据ICIS-MRC网站6月29日莫斯科报道, 根据化学工程参考美国化学理事会 (ACC) 的数据显示,继4月份下降1.2% 和3月份下降3.4%之后,5月份美国化工生产区域指数 (CPRI) 增长4.6%。

  5月份,所有地区的化工品产量都有所上升,这反映了墨西哥湾沿岸冬季风暴过后的能力恢复。美国CPRI是用三个月移动平均线(3MMA)来衡量的。其包括美联储(Federal Reserve)最近的基准修订,目前基准年是2017年。


  由于几乎所有制成品都是用某种形式的化学物质生产的,制造活动是化工品需求的一个重要指标。在4月份小幅下降之后,5月份制造业产量上升了1.0% (3MMA)。制造业生产的3MMA趋势好坏参半,食品和饮料、电器、航空航天、机械、金属制品、计算机和电子、半导体、石油和天然气提取、精炼、钢铁产品、铸造厂、橡胶产品、纸张、印刷和家具的产量都有所增加。


  郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


  US chemical production trend up by 4.6 in May

  The US Chemical Production Regional Index (US CPRI) grew by 4.6% in May following a 1.2% reduction in April and a 3.4% drop in March, according to Chemical Engineering with reference to the American Chemistry Council (ACC).

  During May, chemical output rose in all regions, reflecting capacity restoration after the winter storms along the Gulf Coast. The US CPRI is measured as a three-month moving average (3MMA). It includes the Federal Reserve’s recent benchmark revision, whose base year is now 2017.

  Chemical production was mixed in May, with an improving trend in production of organic chemicals, plastic resins, chlor-alkali, adhesives, coatings, fertilizers, crop protection chemicals, other specialty chemicals, and miscellaneous inorganic chemicals. These gains were offset by continued weakness in synthetic rubber, synthetic dyes and pigments, manufactured fibers, and consumer products.

  As nearly all manufactured goods are produced using chemistry in some form, manufacturing activity is an important indicator for chemical demand. Following a small decline in April, manufacturing output rose in May, by 1.0% (3MMA). The 3MMA trend in manufacturing production was mixed, with gains seen in the output of food and beverages, appliances, aerospace, machinery, fabricated metal products, computers and electronics, semiconductors, oil and gas extraction, refining, iron and steel products, foundries, rubber products, paper, printing, and furniture.

  Compared with May 2020, US chemical production remained off by 0.5%, reflecting the lingering impact of March’s freeze damage. Chemical production was lower than a year ago in all regions except the Gulf Coast, which turned slightly positive.

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