
   2021-07-13 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油田技术7月6日消息称,根据GlobalData的分析,自2019年11月产量达到峰值以来,巴肯页岩产量持续下


  根据 GlobalData 的最新报告《2021 年美国巴肯页岩市场分析和 2025 年石油和天然气页岩市场分析和展望》,到2020年,巴肯页岩仅占美国48州石油产量的11%,天然气产量2.8%,相比2019年的12%的原油和3%的天然气产量有所下降。

  GlobalData的石油和天然气分析师Svetlana Doh评论道:“巴肯页岩的生产受到了疫情爆发和经济活动限制的不利影响。虽然在2021年上半年放松限制和旅行禁令改善了需求前景,但预计未来五年内产量不会达到大流行前的水平。这是因为运营商在增加钻井活动方面仍然非常谨慎,我们很可能不会看到短期内租用新钻机的明显加速。”


  曹海斌 摘译自 油田技术


  Higher investment needed for Bakken Shale to exhibit full recovery, says GlobalData

  Bakken shale has experienced a constant decline since production peaked in November 2019, according to analysis by GlobalData. The leading data and analytics company notes that a steady rise in capital allocation from leading oil and gas operators and infrastructural improvements would reboot production in this region.

  According to GlobalData’s latest report, ‘Bakken Shale in the US, 2021 – Oil and Gas Shale Market Analysis and Outlook to 2025’, Bakken Shale accounted for a mere 11% of oil and 2.8% of natural gas production in the US Lower 48 for 2020, which is a drop from 12% for crude oil and 3% for natural gas in 2019

  Svetlana Doh, Oil & Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Production in the Bakken shale was adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and restrictions on economic activity. Although easing of restrictions and travel bans during H1 2021 have improved demand prospects, production is not expected to reach pre-pandemic levels in the next five years. This is because operators are still being extremely careful in ramping up drilling activities, and most likely we will not see any significant acceleration in hiring new rigs in the near-term.”

  The Bakken averaged 55 drilling rigs in 2019, which then decreased to an average of 24 rigs – a 79% drop in 2020.

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