
   2021-07-13 互联网讯


核心提示:   据美国钻井网站2021年7月5日报道,现在不是欧佩克自满的时候。  这是欧佩克秘书长穆罕默德·萨努西





  巴尔金都强调,欧佩克+的行动继续支持再平衡进程,自去年5月以来已帮助减少了逾29亿桶全球原油供应。 然而,他指出,一些参与国继续存在“严重的”生产过剩,并表示需要适应这些生产过剩的情况。


  李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


  OPEC Sec Gen Warns It's No Time for Complacency

  This is no time for complacency.

  That’s according to OPEC Secretary General Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, who made the statement at the 30th Meeting of the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee late last week.

  Although Barkindo outlined that China and the U.S. continue to fuel the growth prospects for the year, with demand expected to grow by six million barrels per day to around 96.5 million barrels per day on average, he warned that Covid-19 is a “persistent and unpredictable foe”.

  “Vicious mutations remain a threat to both human health and the recovery,” Barkindo said in his statement, which was posted on OPEC+’s website. “Furthermore, many leading economies are pumped up by record levels of fiscal and monetary stimulus, debt levels have soared, and inflation is beginning to rear its ugly head in some countries,” he went on to say.

  Barkindo highlighted that, month on month, OPEC+’s actions continue to support the rebalancing process and have helped reduce global supply by more than 2.9 billion barrels since May last year. He pointed out, however, that there continues to be “significant” overproduction by some of the participating countries and said these overproduced volumes need to be accommodated.

  OPEC+ failed to reach a new production deal at its July 1 meeting and at continued talks on July 2. The group is now scheduled to meet on July 5 at 3pm, CEST, via videoconference.

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