
   2021-07-13 互联网讯


核心提示:   据海上能源7月5日报道,卡塔尔国有石油公司与道达尔(TotalEnergis)达成协议,以收购南非三个海上勘探


  卡塔尔石油公司表示,根据协议条款,该公司将持有South Outeniqua区块25%的参与权益,DWOB区块30%的参与权益,以及OBD区块29.17%的参与权益。

  卡塔尔石油公司首席执行官、能源事务大臣Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi表示,这些收购是对我们南非区域上游投资组合的极好补充,是最近在11B / 12B 区块钻井成功后取得积极进展的基础上取得的。我们很高兴有机会与我们的战略伙伴道达尔合作,探索这些有希望的潜在区块,并进一步发展与南非政府和其他合资企业伙伴的关系,同时推进卡塔尔石油公司雄心勃勃的增长战略。我愿借此机会感谢南非当局和伙伴的宝贵支持与合作。

  South Outeniqua区块占地约49000平方公里,水深200米至5 000米。道达尔作为该区块的运营商,持有该区块剩余的参与权益。

  其位于11B/12B区块的正南,道达尔、卡塔尔石油公司、加拿大自然资源有限公司和Main Street Limited宣布在Broupadda和Luiperd前景中发现了大量的凝析油。


  郝芬 译自 海上能源


  Qatar Petroleum buys interest in three blocks off South Africa

  State-owned Qatar Petroleum has entered into agreements with TotalEnergies to acquire working interests in three offshore exploration blocks in South Africa.

  Qatar Petroleum said that, under the terms of the agreements, it will hold a 25 per cent participating interest in the South Outeniqua block, a 30 per cent participating interest in the DWOB block, and a 29.17 per cent participating interest in the OBD block.

  Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Minister of State for Energy Affairs, the President and CEO of Qatar Petroleum, said: “These acquisitions represent an excellent addition to our South African regional upstream portfolio, and build upon the positive progress following the recent drilling success in the 11B/12B block.

  “We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with our strategic partner TotalEnergies to explore these promising and prospective blocks, and to further develop our relationship with the South African Government and other joint venture partners, whilst also pushing forward with Qatar Petroleum’s ambitious growth strategy.

  “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the South African authorities and partners for their valuable support and cooperation”.

  The South Outeniqua block covers an area of approximately 49,000 square kilometres in water depths ranging between 200 and 5,000 metres. TotalEnergies is the operator and holds the remaining participating interest in the block.

  It is located directly south of the 11B/12B block where TotalEnergies, Qatar Petroleum, Canadian Natural Resources Limited, and Main Street Limited have announced significant gas condensate discoveries in the Brulpadda and Luiperd prospects.

  The DWOB and OBD blocks cover a combined area of about 53,000 square kilometres in water depths ranging between 1,000 and 4,200 meters and are in the Orange Basin directly south of Namibian blocks 2912 and 2913B in which Qatar Petroleum already holds participating interests, and near Blocks 2913A and 2914B, into which Qatar Petroleum’s entry was recently announced.

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