Solarwatt 与壳牌在家庭储能领域大展拳脚

   2021-07-15 互联网讯


核心提示:   据能源经济7月8日消息称,在宝马(BMW)亿万富翁股东斯蒂芬•科万特(Stefan Quandt)的支持下,德国Solar

   据能源经济7月8日消息称,在宝马(BMW)亿万富翁股东斯蒂芬•科万特(Stefan Quandt)的支持下,德国Solarwatt计划推出一个小型模块,让房主可以将屋顶太阳能电池板与储能电池和电动汽车连接起来,以降低成本。


  此举针对的是壳牌(shell)旗下的索能、德国的E3/DC、EnBW的Senec、LG化学、Varta和特斯拉,EuPD Research 称这些公司在家用存储市场占据主导地位。

  Solarwatt客户解决方案副总裁Peter Bachmann在计划于周三发布产品前对路透表示:“能源经理是家庭的大脑。”


  Manager Flex 设备看起来像一个 wifi 路由器,售价约为 500 欧元(594 美元),可以将能量流和家里的小玩意整合在一起,比如屋顶面板、电池、电动热泵和电动汽车充电盒。

  拥有 Solarwatt 大部分股份的 Quandt 上个月表示:“我们正在展示,我们的DNA中有一种整体的思维方式。”

  德国是一个明显的起点。它拥有 30 万个固定电池,是全球最大的家用存储市场,领先于美国、日本和澳大利亚。




  曹海斌 摘译自 能源经济


  Solarwatt flexes muscles in home energy storage fight with Shell, Tesla

  Germany's Solarwatt, backed by BMW's billionaire shareholder Stefan Quandt, plans to launch a small module that lets homeowners link rooftop solar panels to power storage batteries and electric vehicles to cut costs.

  The wall box allows homeowners to control when and how much home-produced photovoltaics (PV) power they store, use to charge their electric vehicles (EVs) or sell to the grid.

  The move takes aim at Shell-owned Sonnen, Germany's E3/DC, EnBW's Senec, LG Chem, Varta and Tesla, which EuPD Research says dominate the home storage market.

  "The energy manager is the brain of the home," Peter Bachmann, Solarwatt's Vice President Customer Solutions, told Reuters ahead of a launch planned for Wednesday.

  "It distributes the power from the roof intelligently."

  The Manager Flex device, which looks like a wifi router and will go on sale at around 500 euros ($594), allows the integration of energy flows and gadgets at home, such as rooftop panels, batteries, electric heat pumps and EV-charging boxes.

  "We are showing that we have a holistic way of thinking in our DNA," Quandt, who owns a majority of Solarwatt, said last month.

  Germany is an obvious starting point. With 300,000 stationary batteries, it is the world's top home storage market, ahead of the United States, Japan and Australia.

  Germany's battery market has grown tenfold since 2015 and is set for 60% growth this year, fuelled by its 16 million house owners, of which two million operate solar panels.

  Currently, it costs 7 euro cents to produce a kilowatt-hour (kWh) of solar power in Germany, a fifth of grid power.

  A household installing panels for generation, an electric heat pump to replace oil or gas boilers, and buying an EV instead of a petrol-based car can cut its CO2 emissions by 89%, it said.

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