尽管前景看涨 美国天然气价格仍下跌

   2021-07-15 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油价网2021年7月6日报道,尽管预计本周天然气需求将高企,且预计天气将出现高温,伴随着原油价格下


  美国东部时间周二下午12:32,亨利中心的美国基准天然气价格为每百万英热单位(MMBtu) 3.618美元,当日下跌了2.19%。

  天然气价格从周一触及的每百万英热(MMBtu) 3.70美元下跌。 周二,随着原油价格从早盘的多年高点回落,天然气价格也下跌。 油价下跌是因为交易商开始获利了结,其他人开始担心欧佩克+内部的不和可能会引发另一场类似于2020年3月的那场油价战。

  上个星期,美国天然气价格上涨,原因是天然气市场供过于求,而且预计美国许多地区的天气比平常更热,对电力的需求会很大。 上周亨利中心天然气价格的上涨导致即期期货价格创下29个月来的最高水平。 上周,热浪席卷了太平洋西北部地区,气价持续上涨。

  本周,天气对天然气价格看起来也很乐观。 据NatGasWeather.com报道,7月6日至7月12日期间,美国对天然气的需求将达到高峰。


  微冷天气系统预计将在周二登陆美国北部平原地区,伴有阵雨,最高气温将降到华氏60到70度,随后将在本周晚些时候席卷大湖地区和东部地区,以冷却目前的高温,并在本周中期缓解全国需求。 NatGasWeather称:“然而,由于国内需求强劲,下周末东部地区将再次出现高压,最高气温将回升至华氏90度。”

  李峻 编译自 油价网


  Natural Gas Prices Fall Despite Bullish Outlook

  U.S. natural gas prices fell early on Tuesday alongside a slide in crude oil prices, despite forecasts of high natural gas demand this week with expected high temperatures.

  The U.S. benchmark natural gas price at the Henry Hub was trading at $3.618 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) at 12:32 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, down 2.19% on the day.

  The natural gas price fell from the $3.70 / MMBtu level it hit on Monday. On Tuesday, natural gas prices fell as crude oil prices retreated from multi-year highs seen in early trade. The price of oil fell as traders turned to profit-taking and others started to fret that the OPEC+ discord could bring about another oil price war like the one from March 2020.

  Last week, U.S. natural gas prices jumped amid a tight natural gas market and expectations of high demand for electricity in hotter than usual weather in many parts of the United States. The Henry Hub rally last week resulted in the highest price for the prompt futures in 29 months. Prices continued to rise as a heatwave gripped the Pacific Northwest last week.

  This week, the weather outlook for natural gas prices also looks bullish. According to NatGasWeather.com, demand for natural gas in the United States is set to be high in the period July 6 to July 12.

  “Strong national demand will open the week as hot high pressure brings highs of 90s to the East, while also hot over the West w/highs of 90s and 100s besides the immediate coast,” NatGasWeather’s forecast reads.

  A chilly weather system is expected into the N. Plains on Tuesday with showers and highs of 60s and 70s, then across the Great Lakes and East late in the week to cool current heat and ease national demand in the middle of the week. “However, high pressure will return across the East next weekend w/highs back into the 90s for strong national demand,” according to NatGasWeather.

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