
   2021-07-15 互联网讯


核心提示:   据哈特能源7月6日消息,意大利埃尼集团7月6日表示,该公司可能在加纳近海的Eban勘探远景区发现了多达7


  埃尼公司在一份新闻稿中表示,Eban-1X井位于Sankofa中心西北约8公里处Eban-Akoma综合设施CTP 4区块,在Cenomanian期厚砂岩储层中发现了一个80米的轻油柱。该井由Saipem 10000钻井船钻探,在3949米深的地方发现了碳氢化合物。该井水深为545米,实测总深度为4170米。




  埃尼表示,鉴于该发现位于John Agyekum Kufuor浮式生产储油轮(FPSO)和现有基础设施附近,该发现可以通过连接FPSO快速进入生产。


  Eban是CTP 4区块钻的第二口井,紧随Akoma天然气和凝析油发现之后。

  埃尼集团持有该区块42.469%的股权,是该区块的运营商。合作伙伴包括维多集团(33.975%)、加纳国家石油公司(10%)、Woodfields Upstream(9.556%)、GNPC Explorco(4%)。

  裘寅 编译自 哈特能源


  Eni Makes ‘Significant’ Oil Discovery Offshore Ghana

  Italy’s Eni said July 6 it has potentially discovered up to 700 million barrels of oil equivalent in place at the Eban exploration prospect offshore Ghana.

  Located in CTP Block 4 in the Eban-Akoma complex about 8 km northwest of the Sankofa Hub, the Eban-1X well proved a single 80-m light oil column in a thick sandstone reservoir interval of Cenomanian age, Eni said in a press release. The well, drilled by the Saipem 10000 drillship, hit hydrocarbons at 3,949 m depth. The well reached a total measured depth of 4,170 m in a water depth of 545 m.

  Eni said the discovery brings the estimated hydrocarbon in place between the Sankofa field and the Eban-Akoma complex to more than 1.1 Bboe. Upside could be confirmed with appraisal drilling.

  “The new discovery has been assessed following comprehensive analysis of extensive 3D seismic datasets and well data acquisition including pressure measurements, fluid sampling and intelligent formation testing with state-of-the-art technology,” Eni said in the release. “The acquired pressure and fluid data (oil density and Gas-to-Oil Ratio) and reservoir properties are consistent with the previous discovery of Akoma and nearby Sankofa field.”

  Deliverability potential is estimated at 5,000 bbl/d based on production testing data.

  Given the discovery’s location near the John Agyekum Kufuor FPSO and existing infrastructure, Eni said the discovery can be fast-tracked to production with a subsea tie-in the FPSO.

  “The Eban discovery is a testimony to the success of the infrastructure-led exploration strategy that Eni is carrying out in its core assets worldwide,” the company said.

  Eban is the second well drilled in CTP Block 4 and follows the Akoma gas and condensate discovery.

  Holding a 42.469% stake in the block, Eni serves as operator. Partners are Vitol (33.975%), Ghana National Petroleum Corp. (10%), Woodfields Upstream (9.556%), GNPC Explorco (4%).

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