
   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油田技术7月14日消息称,巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)与3R石油近海公司(3R Offshore)签署了一份合同

   据油田技术7月14日消息称,巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)与3R石油近海公司(3R Offshore)签署了一份合同,出售其在Campos盆地Papa-Terra油田的全部股份。


  Papa-Terra油田是BC-20特许权的一部分,位于水深1200米的地方。该油田于2013年开始运营,到2021年6月为止,其平均油气产量为17.9万桶油当量/天,通过P-61型TLWP和P-63 FPSO两个平台进行整个生产。


  巴西国家石油公司勘探与生产总监Fernando Borges表示:“通过战略性地重新配置我们的投资,我们为油气行业的多元化提供了新的投资者,并为公司、行业乃至整个社会带来积极的结果。”

  3R石油公司首席执行官Ricardo Savini表示:“除了通过税收、投资、就业和创收,以及供应链的供热和巩固等多种渠道刺激地区和国家经济,其他参与者的出现和加强促进了油气行业的发展。”

  朱佳妮 摘译自 油田技术


  Petrobras sells Papa-Terra field offshore Brazil to 3R Petroleum

  Petrobras has signed a contract with 3R Petroleum Offshore SA (3R Offshore) for the sale of its entire stake in the Papa-Terra field, located in the Campos Basin.

  The sale price is US$105.6 million, with (a) US$6 million being paid on 12 July 2021; (b) US$9.6 million at the closing of the transaction and (c) US$90 million in contractual contingent payments related to asset production levels and future oil prices.

  The Papa-Terra field is part of the BC-20 concession and is located in a water depth of 1200 m. The field began operating in 2013 and its average oil and gas production in 2021, until June, was 179 000 boe/d, through two platforms, P-61 type TLWP (Tension Leg Wellhead Platform) and the P-63 FPSO, where the entire production is processed.

  Petrobras is the operator of the field, with a 62.5% stake, in partnership with Chevron, which holds the remaining 37.5%.

  “By strategically reallocating our investments, we open opportunities for diversification in the oil and gas industry with new investors and bringing positive results for companies, for the industry and above all for society”, said Fernando Borges, Petrobras Exploration & Production director.

  "The emergence and strengthening of other players foster the development of the oil and gas industry, in addition to stimulating the regional and national economies through various channels: taxes, investments, job and income generation, as well as the heating and consolidation of the supply chain,” said Ricardo Savini, CEO of 3R Petroleum.

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