
   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据《石油世界期刊》7月13日波哥大报道,哥伦比亚颁布了一项能源转型法,以促进对氢能、可再生能源和可



  与巴西、乌拉圭和智利等其他拉丁美洲国家相比,哥伦比亚是可再生能源的后来者,部分原因是其严重依赖水电而不是热电厂。但是波哥大正在慢慢开始通过新的项目来缩小差距,比如哥伦比亚发电商Celsia刚刚落成的9.8兆瓦的 El Carmelo 太阳能园区。新工厂约一半的能源将供应Cargill本地家禽业务。


  该国已安装或计划在2022年8月前上线的非常规可再生能源总量为2.5吉瓦 。



  郝芬 译自 《石油世界期刊》


  Colombia to promote hydrogen and renewable energies with transition law

  Colombia has a enacted an energy transition law to promote investment in hydrogen, renewable energy and sustainable transport.

  The law,recognizes green and blue hydrogen as renewable energy eligible for reduced income tax, VAT and tariff exemptions and accelerated depreciation. The new legislation also provides a legal framework for other energy sources such as geothermal plants, as well as storage, carbon capture and energy efficiency.

  Colombia was a latecomer to renewable energy compared with other Latin American countries such as Brazil, Uruguay and Chile , in part because of its heavily reliance on hydroelectricity rather than thermoelectric plants. But Bogota is slowly starting to close the gap with new projects, such as the 9.8MW El Carmelo solar park just inaugurated by Colombian generator Celsia. about half of the energy from the new plant will supply Cargill's local poultry operations.

  Colombia is holding a third renewable power auction on 31 October for 15-year power purchase agreements starting on 1 January 2023.

  The country has a total of 2.5GW of unconventional renewable energy already installed or scheduled to come on line by August 2022.

  In a related announcement last week, Colombia has begun the process of joining the IEA.

  Despite strides toward energy transition, Colombia still derives most of its revenue from oil and coal production and exports.

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