
   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据美国钻井网站2021年7月12日报道,苏里南具有在近期至中期成为全球一个石油生产热点的潜力。  这个



  GlobalData上游油气分析师Svetlana Doh在一份公司声明中表示:“到目前为止,来自在苏里南所钻的四口发现井的结果显示出极好的石油性能,API度为27°至37°。

  Doh补充说:“原油品种和流体质量接近邻国圭亚那斯塔布鲁克区块生产的更轻质原油,该区块的油井原油日产量可达到1.1万桶。 由于两国在圭亚那-苏里南盆地的地质走向相同,苏里南有巨大的潜力来重复圭亚那的石油勘探成功。


  苏里南预计的低盈亏平衡价格仍略高于圭亚那,圭亚那的一些项目的盈亏平衡价格低至25美元/桶,然而,如果苏里南的开发井证实高产(至少6000桶/天)和所需的基础设施建设完整, 预计盈亏平衡价格将远远低于每桶40美元。


  GlobalData强调,今年6月,苏里南第28号区块运营商法国道达尔能源公司和美国阿帕奇公司获得了一份初步前端工程设计合同,用于浮式生产和储存设施的制造。 这个项目的首次生产预定在2025年开始。

  李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


  Suriname Has Potential to be Oil Hot Spot

  Suriname has the potential to become an oil production hot spot in the near to mid-term.

  That’s according to GlobalData, which highlighted that four discoveries were made in the country’s Block 28 last year.

  “Results from the four discovery wells drilled in Suriname so far have showed excellent oil properties, with API ranging from 27° to 37°,” Svetlana Doh, an upstream oil and gas analyst at GlobalData, said in a company statement.

  “Type and fluid quality is close to the lighter oil produced in the Stabroek block of neighbouring Guyana, where wells could reach high productivities of 11,000 barrels of crude oil per day. Since both countries share the same geological trend of Guyana-Suriname basin, Suriname has huge potential for repeating Guyana’s oil exploration success,” Doh added in the statement.

  Taking Guyana projects as a reference, GlobalData expects that Suriname will reach a break-even price of around $40 per barrel. The company also expects that the initial capital investment for an average project in Suriname could be between $6 billion and $8 billion, with recoverable reserves reaching around 600 million barrels of oil.

  “The anticipated low break-even price is still slightly higher than in Guyana, where some projects go as low as $25 per barrel, however, if the development wells in Suriname confirm high productivities (at least 6,000 barrels per day) and the required infrastructure is built, break-even price is expected to be considerably lower than $40 per barrel,” Doh said.

  “For an average break-even price to go down by just $5 per barrel, either initial capital expenditure needs to be reduced by at least 20 percent, or well productivity need to 17 percent higher,” the GlobalData representative continued.

  Block 28 operators TotalEnergies and Apache Corp were awarded a contract for preliminary front-end engineering design in June for the manufacture of floating production and storage, GlobalData highlighted. First production at the project is scheduled to start in 2025.

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