
   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据能源世界网7月12日奥斯陆报道,Aker清洁氢(ACH)周一表示,壳牌将加入挪威的一个项目,即从天然气中





  ACH表示,合作伙伴ACH ,壳牌和挪威基础设施投资者 Cape Omega 签署了一份谅解备忘录( MoU ),以在挪威西部的奥克拉建立一个大规模的氢气生产设施。清洁的氢气可用于当地工业脱碳,用于车辆和船舶的无排放燃料,或用于出口到欧洲。

  该公司补充称,该项目的天然气将由附近的 Nyhamna 天然气加工厂供应。

  壳牌是Nyhamna工厂的技术服务提供商,该工厂加工其Ormen Lange气田和Equinor在挪威近海的Aasta Hansteen气田的天然气。


  郝芬 译自 能源世界网


  Shell to join clean hydrogen project in Norway

  OSLO: Shell will join a project in Norway to produce hydrogen from natural gas while capturing the emissions, Aker Clean Hydrogen (ACH) said on Monday.

  Countries across Europe are looking at ways to produce emissions-free hydrogen to help reduce carbon emissions and avert global warming.

  Clean hydrogen can be produced from water using electricity generated by renewable energy sources.

  When produced from natural gas, it is considered clean when the associated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are captured and stored permanently. Today, most of the associated CO2 emissions are released into the atmosphere.

  Partners ACH, Shell and Norwegian infrastructure investor CapeOmega have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to build a large-scale hydrogen production facility at Aukra in western Norway, ACH said.

  The clean hydrogen could be used to decarbonise local industries, for emissions-free fuel for vehicles and ships, or for export to Europe, ACH said.

  Natural gas for the project would be supplied from the Nyhamna gas processing plant nearby, it added.

  Shell serves as a technical service provider at the Nyhamna plant, which processes natural gas its Ormen Lange field and Equinor's Aasta Hansteen field off Norway.

  The Anglo-Dutch energy firm, which aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, is also a partner in a joint venture project with Equinor and TotalEnergies to build CO2 storage off Norway

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