油价攀升 沙特设定汽油价格上限

   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据Trend News Agency 7月11日消息:Trend援引海湾商业报道称,沙特阿拉伯政府为国内汽油价格设定了上

   据Trend News Agency 7月11日消息:Trend援引海湾商业报道称,沙特阿拉伯政府为国内汽油价格设定了上限,并表示该国将承担任何额外费用,从而软化了能源补贴削减计划。


  这一变化将削弱王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼 (Mohammed bin Salman) 推行的补贴改革的影响,并回应沙特人对其经济多元化计划下生活成本上升的抱怨。全球最大石油出口国5月份的通货膨胀率为5.7%——这是可获得的最新数据——受食品和汽车价格上涨以及去年增值税提高三倍的举措推动。




  祝精燕 摘译自 Trend News Agency


  Saudi sets upper limit for gasoline prices as oil prices climb

  Saudi Arabia’s government set an upper limit for domestic gasoline prices and said the state would bear any extra costs, softening an energy subsidy cut programme, Trend reports citing Gulf Business.

  The ceiling for local gasoline prices will be set at June’s levels, or SAR2.18 per litre of 91 octane, as of Saturday, according to a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency. The decision was made to “decrease the burden of living costs on citizens and residents” and “support local economic activity,” a state committee for amending energy prices said in the statement.

  The change will blunt the impact of subsidy reforms introduced by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and is a nod to complaints from Saudis about the rising cost of living under his economic diversification programme. Inflation in the world’s largest oil exporter stood at 5.7 per cent in May — the latest figure available — driven by higher food and vehicle prices as well as a move to triple the value-added tax last year.

  Rising gasoline and electricity prices have drawn particular ire since 2015, when the subsidy reform was introduced to promote more efficient consumption and help plug a budget deficit brought on by plunging oil prices.

  Last week, crude prices jumped briefly to the highest in more than six years in New York after discord at the OPEC+ stopped a supply increase. Crude’s surge, combined with a rally in other commodities, has central banks fretting about inflation again.

  Saudi Arabia’s local cost of gasoline will still change monthly in response to global energy prices, but now the government will cover the difference of any increase that would have exceeded June prices, the committee said.

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