
   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油价网2021年7月14日报道,美国能源部7月14日宣布了一个新的目标,在未来10年内通过将电网规模的长


  美国能源部的计划有非常雄心勃勃的目标,要加速技术上的突破,使清洁电力的储存能够随时随地使用。 分析人士表示,2030年将锂离子电池的成本比现在低90%的目标并不容易实现。

  政府的目标是不迟于2035年建立无碳污染的电力行业。 这本身就是一个巨大的挑战,因为在2020年,天然气占美国公用事业规模发电量的40.3%,化石燃料占60.3%,而煤炭占电力结构的19.3%。




  内斯特·塞普尔韦达日前在接受《纽约时报》采访时表示:“这些成本目标并不容易实现,尽管它们与许多开发者的目标一致。” 塞普尔韦达是麻省理工学院的研究员,最近他领导了一项关于能源储存成本的研究。

  塞普尔韦达补充说:“目前的一个大障碍是,没有政策要求公用事业公司建立长期能源储存。 简单地燃烧天然气更容易、更便宜。”

  与此同时,美国储能市场正在蓬勃发展,据伍德麦肯兹和美国储能协会的最新估计,今年第一季度,新储能系统上线910兆瓦时(MWh)。 这一数字比去年第一季度增长了252%,成为美国储能市场迄今为止最大的第一季度。

  李峻 编译自 油价网


  U.S. Looks To Slash Long-Duration Energy Storage Costs By 90% By 2030

  The U.S. Department of Energy announced on Wednesday a new goal to support the increased rollout of more wind and solar power in the grid by reducing the cost of grid-scale, long-duration energy storage by 90 percent within the decade.

  The DOE initiative has very ambitious goals to accelerate breakthroughs in technology that could enable the storage of clean electricity to make it available anytime, anywhere. Analysts say that the target to slash costs 90 percent below today’s lithium-ion batteries within 2030 would not be easy to achieve.

  The Administration targets a carbon pollution-free electricity sector no later than 2035. This in itself is a huge challenge considering that natural gas accounted for the largest share of U.S. utility-scale electricity generation in 2020, at 40.3 percent, with fossil fuels at 60.3 percent share, also due to coal’s 19.3-percent share of the power mix.

  Announcing the goal of reducing the cost of long-duration energy storage by 90 percent by 2030, U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said today:

  “We’re going to bring hundreds of gigawatts of clean energy onto the grid over the next few years, and we need to be able to use that energy wherever and whenever it’s needed.”

  “That’s why DOE is working aggressively toward cheaper, longer duration energy storage to reach  goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035,” Secretary Granholm added.

  “Those cost targets won’t be easy to hit, although they’re in line with what many developers are aiming for,” Nestor Sepulveda, who led a recent study about storage costs as a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told The New York Times.

  “One big obstacle right now is that there’s no policy requirement for utilities to build long-duration storage. It’s easier and cheaper to simply burn natural gas,” Sepulveda added.

  Meanwhile, the U.S. energy storage market is booming, with 910 megawatt-hours (MWh) of new energy storage systems brought online in the first quarter of 2021, according to the latest estimates from Wood Mackenzie and the U.S. Energy Storage Association. The figure was a 252-percent jump over Q1 of last year, making it the biggest Q1 so far for the U.S. storage market.

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