
   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据烃加工2021年7月13日报道,国际能源署(IEA)表示,由于疫苗接种率的提高和世界各地减少社交距离的措



  由于冠状病毒疫情大流行和流动性限制带来的燃料需求空前下降,2020年世界各地的炼油厂大幅削减了原油加工量。 高峰时期的封锁摧毁了超过20%的全球石油需求。

  由于一些国家广泛的疫苗接种计划的启动和限制的放宽,自2月份以来,全球原油加工量一直在增加。 IEA在其月度报告中称,在5月陷入停滞之后,6月全球炼油加工量日均增加了160万桶。

  这是自2020年7月以来的最大月度涨幅,当时的涨幅支撑了原油价格。 6月份产品供应增加和原油价格上涨对产品裂解利润和炼油利润率产生了负面影响。


  李峻 编译自 烃加工


  IEA says refining throughput set to rise in July, August

  Global refining runs are expected to continue rising in July and August due to increasing vaccination rates and easing social distancing measures around the world, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said.

  The Paris-based agency, however, expected the trend will lose momentum in winter due to seasonal maintenance of refineries.

  Refiners around the world significantly reduced their operations in 2020 as they faced an unprecedented fall in fuel demand brought about by the coronavirus pandemic and mobility restrictions. The lockdowns at their peak destroyed over 20% of global oil demand.

  The refining runs have been rising since February as widespread vaccination programmes started in several countries and restrictions were eased. After stagnating in May, global refining throughput increased by 1.6 million barrels per day (bpd) in June, IEA said in its monthly report.

  That was the largest monthly increase since July 2020, which supported crude oil prices. Increased product supply and higher crude oil prices negatively affected product cracks and refinery margins in June.

  Runs are expected to increase by another 2.7 million bpd over July and August from June levels but will start declining in September and October as refinery maintenance season begins.

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