
   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据7月12日Trade Arabia消息:西门子已在德国Wunsiedel举行正式的奠基仪式,标志着该国最大绿色制氢厂

   据7月12日Trade Arabia消息:西门子已在德国Wunsiedel举行正式的奠基仪式,标志着该国最大绿色制氢厂之一的开工建设,该工厂的装机容量为8.75兆瓦。


  西门子智能基础设施是整个工厂的总承包商,西门子金融服务公司(SFS)参与了股权融资,并持有运营公司WUN H2 45%的股份。电解槽将由西门子能源公司提供。

  德国经济部长Hubert Aiwanger说:“WUN H2项目是对实施巴伐利亚氢战略的重要贡献。‘巴伐利亚制造’的绿色氢展示了国内技术专长,并通过本地价值创造提高了接受度。”

  环境事务部长Thorsten Glauber补充道:“氢是实现气候中和未来道路上的一项关键技术。能源转型只有在有许多创新方法的情况下才会成功,就像Wunsiedel所追求的那样。”



  “将我们的能源供应转换为新的、气候中和的能源是能源转型的主要目标之一。氢在其中发挥着关键作用,”西门子首席财务官Ralf P. Thomas教授在奠基仪式上说。“在这方面,Wunsiedel通过其现有的分布式能源系统和数字技术的使用,是可持续能源未来的灯塔项目。”



  冯娟 摘译自 Trade Arabia


  Siemens kicks off work on giant green hydrogen plant

  Siemens has held the official groundbreaking ceremony in Wunsiedel, Germany marking the start of construction of one of the largest green hydrogen plants in the country with a capacity of 8.75 megawatts (MW).

  The facility will produce up to 1,350 tons of hydrogen per year using only renewable energy, for example from solar or wind power. Using the generated hydrogen in transportation and industry allows for CO2 savings of up to 13,500 annually.

  Siemens Smart Infrastructure is the general contractor for the entire plant, with Siemens Financial Services (SFS) participating in the equity financing as well as holding a share of 45 percent in the operating company WUN H2 GmbH. The electrolyzer will be supplied by Siemens Energy

  German Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger said: “The WUN H2 project is an important contribution to implementing Bavaria’s hydrogen strategy. Green hydrogen ‘Made in Bavaria’ demonstrates domestic technological expertise and increases acceptance through local value creation.”

  Minister of Environmental Affairs Thorsten Glauber added: “Hydrogen is a key technology on the road to a climate-neutral future. The energy transition will only succeed if there are many innovative approaches like the one pursued in Wunsiedel.”

  According to a recent analysis by the OECD, global energy demand is estimated to increase by 80 percent by 2050. Meeting this demand while addressing the challenges of climate change will require massive investments in clean energy generation, power distribution, and digitalization. To this end, all energy-consuming sectors, including transportation and industry, must push ahead with their decarbonization efforts.

  The plant will be constructed at Wunsiedel Energy Park and connected to the existing Siemens battery storage facility and adjacent industrial enterprises. These can use waste heat, or the oxygen split off during electrolysis. This connected infrastructure will serve as a model for the whole of Germany.

  “Converting our energy supply to new, climate-neutral energy sources is one of the main objectives of the energy transition. Hydrogen plays a key role in this,” said Siemens CFO Professor Dr. Ralf P. Thomas at the groundbreaking ceremony. “In this respect, Wunsiedel, with its existing distributed energy system and the use of digital technology, is a lighthouse project for a sustainable energy future.”

  For Siemens, digitalization and sustainability are increasingly becoming the focus of business activities. At an event for investors, Siemens had presented its new “Degree” framework for sustainable commitment to environmental, social and governance issues.

  The new hydrogen production plant is scheduled to go into operation in the summer of 2022.

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