
   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据Trade Arabia 7月11日报道:国际能源署 (IEA) 最新的一份报告显示,天然气需求将在2021年强劲反弹,

   据Trade Arabia 7月11日报道:国际能源署 (IEA) 最新的一份报告显示,天然气需求将在2021年强劲反弹,预计全球需求将增长 3.6%,随后在未来三年内将放缓至1.7% 的平均增长率。


  2021年的天然气需求增长主要反映了经济从Covid-19危机中的复苏,但在接下来的几年中,经济活动和天然气将在发电、工业和运输等领域取代煤炭和石油等其他污染更严重的燃料,将以同等比例推动这一进程。2020年至2024 年间,天然气需求增长的近一半来自亚太地区。



  IEA能源市场和安全主管Keisuke Sadamori 表示:“天然气需求的反弹表明,全球经济正在从这场大流行的冲击中复苏,天然气正在继续取代排放量更高的燃料。”

  “但需要实施更强有力的政策,以使全球天然气需求走上一条与2050 年实现净零排放一致的道路,同时仍能促进经济繁荣。这些措施包括确保更有效地使用天然气。与此同时,天然气行业需要加大力度转向更清洁、低碳的气体,并迅速有效地解决不必要的甲烷排放问题。”


  报告中增加的需求预测可以通过在疫情大流行之前已经批准或正在开发的常规资产来满足,主要是在俄罗斯和中东。美国页岩气生产的新投资也可能补充供应,以支持目前正在开发的液化天然气 (LNG) 的出口能力。




  祝精燕 摘译自 Trade Arabia


  Gas demand to rebound with 3.6% growth in 2021: IEA

  Natural gas demand is set to rebound strongly in 2021 with global demand expected to rise by 3.6% before easing to an average growth rate of 1.7% over the following three years, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

  The demand will keep rising further if governments do not implement strong policies to move the world onto a path towards net-zero emissions by mid-century, added the IEA’s latest quarterly Gas Market Report, which also provides a new medium-term forecast. By 2024, demand is forecast to be up 7% from 2019’s pre-Covid levels.

  Natural gas demand growth in 2021 mostly reflects economic recovery from the Covid-19 crisis, but it’s set to be driven in the following years in equal proportions by economic activity and by gas replacing other more polluting fuels such as coal and oil in sectors such as electricity generation, industry and transport. Almost half of the increase in gas demand between 2020 and 2024 comes from the Asia Pacific region.

  Despite slower growth in the coming years, gas demand by 2024 is trending higher than the trajectories in the IEA’s climate-driven scenarios, notably the pathway set out in the recent

  To get on track for net-zero emissions by 2050, new measures are needed to promote further fuel substitution and efficiency gains, the report said, noting that this is especially the case in more mature markets, where much of the potential for switching from coal or oil to gas has already been realized.

  “The rebound in gas demand shows that the global economy is recovering from the shock of the pandemic and that gas is continuing to replace more emissions-intensive fuels,” said Keisuke Sadamori, the IEA’s Director of Energy Markets and Security.

  “But stronger policies need to be implemented to put global gas demand on a path in line with reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 while still fostering economic prosperity. These include measures to ensure gas is used more efficiently. At the same time, the gas industry needs to significantly step up efforts to shift to cleaner and low-carbon gases – and to act quickly and effectively to address needless methane emissions.”

  The new report examines how the gas industry can reduce its emissions footprint and align with net-zero emissions objectives. Key areas for action include continuing to reduce the intensity of the industry’s greenhouse gas emissions all along the value chain, supporting the development of low-carbon gases, and developing carbon management solutions to minimise emissions from combustion. In particular, reducing methane emissions is an efficient way – in terms of both time and cost – of narrowing the industry’s footprint.

  The increased demand forecast in the report can be met by conventional assets that were already approved or under development before the pandemic, mainly in Russia and the Middle East. Supply is also likely to be supplemented by new investment in US shale gas production to support export capacity for liquefied natural gas (LNG) that is currently under development.

  The report notes the contribution of LNG to ensuring flexible and secure supplies, especially from the US, which accounts for the large majority of additional LNG capacity to be commissioned in the coming three years.

  Robust growth of the LNG carrier fleet will also make supplies more adjustable, with current order books representing a 25% increase in the vessel count in the next two to three years. Underground storage capacity, another pivotal source of flexibility, is set to increase by 7% over the forecast period.

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