巴国油将Papa-Terra油田出售给3R Offshore

   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据OE网站7月12日报道,巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)与3R Offshore达成协议,出售其位于巴西近海Campos

   据OE网站7月12日报道,巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)与3R Offshore达成协议,出售其位于巴西近海Campos盆地的Papa-Terra油田的权益,总价高达1.056亿美元。

  3R Offshore公司的战略是振兴成熟的海上油田,该公司将立即向巴西国家石油公司支付600万美元,并将在交易完成时支付9600万美元。剩余的9000万美元款项将以合同中规定的与资产的生产水平和未来油价有关的或有付款方式支付。


  Papa - Terra 油田是BC - 20承租区的一部分,位于水深1200米处。该油田于2013年开始运营,到2021年6月为止,其通过P-61张力腿井口平台和P-63 FPSO两个平台进行生产的油气日均产量为1.79万桶油当量。

  郝芬 译自 OE


  Petrobras Sells Papa-Terra Field to 3R Offshore

  Brazilian national oil company Petrobras has struck a deal with 3R Offshore to sell it its interests in the producing Papa-Terra, located in the Campos Basin, offshore Brazil, for up to $105.6 million in total.

  3R Offshore, a company with a strategy to revitalize mature offshore fields, will immediately pay Petrobras $6 million and will pay $9,6 million at the closing of the transaction. The remaining amount of $ 90.0 million will be paid in contingent payments provided for in the contract, related to production levels of the asset and future oil prices.

  "This transaction is in line with the portfolio optimization strategy and the improvement of the company’s capital allocation, increasingly concentrating its resources in world-class assets in deep and ultra-deep waters, where Petrobras has demonstrated great competitive edge over the years," Petrobras said in a statement Monday.

  The Papa-Terra field is part of the BC-20 concession and is located at a water depth of 1,200 m. The field started operating in 2013 and its average production of oil and gas in 2021, until June, was 17.9 thousand boe/day, through two platforms, P-61 Tension Leg Wellhead Platform and P-63 FPSO, where all the production is processed.

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