
   2021-07-22 互联网讯


核心提示:   据世界天然气7月12日消息:法国液化空气集团与其他几家行业巨头签署了一份谅解备忘录,旨在帮助法国诺


  与液化空气集团合作的公司包括Borealis、Esso S.A.F、TotalEnergies和Yara International ASA。他们将共同致力于脱碳工作,探索二氧化碳基础设施的开发,包括在该地区进行捕获和储存。



  液化空气集团执行副总裁、兼欧洲工业活动监督委员会成员François Jackow在评论这一合作时表示,“法国液化空气集团很高兴以其在二氧化碳捕获和液化技术方面的独特专长为该项目做出贡献。”



  Borealis化肥、技术氮和三聚氰胺业务的首席运营官Leo Alders表示,“我们对这个项目的浓厚兴趣,首先是由于可以实现显著的温室气体减排。寻求并参与气候挑战的解决方案是我们对社会的责任。”


  冯娟 摘译自 世界天然气


  Air Liquide partnership to help decarbonise industrial basin, Normandy

  A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Air Liquide and several other industry leaders in an effort to help decarbonisation the industrial basin in the Normandy region, France.

  Along with Air Liquide, the partnership consists of Borealis, Esso S.A.F., TotalEnergies and Yara International ASA. Working together in a decarbonisation effort, they will explore the development of a carbon dioxide (CO2) infrastructure including capture and storage in the area.

  The first phase of the group’s objective will involve studying the technical and economic feasibility of the entire project, which will consist of reducing CO2 emissions by up to three million tonnes per year by 2030, the equivalent to the emissions of more than one million passenger cars.

  This will be achieved through collaborating to implement an industrial carbon capture and storage (CCS) chain from their industrial facilities to storage in the North Sea.

  Commenting on the partnership, François Jackow, Executive Vice President, Air Liquide, and member of the Air Liquide Group’s Executive Committee supervising Europe Industries activities, said, “Air Liquide is pleased to contribute to this project its unique expertise in CO2 capture and liquefaction technologies.”

  “Since 2015 Air Liquide has successfully implemented CrocapTM in its plant in Port Jérôme, Normandy, an innovative proprietary CO2 capture and liquefaction technology, which allows to capture up to 90% of CO2 emissions.”

  He also said that the wider initiative to contribute to the fight against global warming is in line with Air Liquide’s Climate objectives, which target carbon neutrality by 2050.

  Leo Alders, Chief Operating Officer, Borealis Fertiliser, Technical Nitrogen and Melamine business, said, “Our strong interest in this project is in the first place driven by the significant GHG reduction that can be achieved. It is our responsibility to society to seek for and engage in solutions for climate challenges.”

  The companies recognise that, in order to retain and improve sustainability of industrial activities and ecosystems in the area of Axe Seine/Normandy, it’s important for industrial players to reduce CO2 emissions in the medium and long term.

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