
   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据世界石油7月26日消息称,荷兰皇家壳牌子公司壳牌离岸公司,宣布了对Whale项目的最终投资决定 (FID)

   据世界石油7月26日消息称,荷兰皇家壳牌子公司壳牌离岸公司,宣布了对Whale项目的最终投资决定 (FID),Whale 是美国墨西哥湾的一个深水开发项目,其特点是 99% 的船体和 80% 的上层是复制的我们的Vito项目。

  壳牌上游总监 Wael Sawan 表示:“Whale是我们专注于简化、复制和缩短周期的资本项目的最新例证,以从我们的优势地位推动更大的价值。我们依靠40多年的深水专业技术,提供具有竞争力的高利润率的项目,这样我们就能够满足今天的能源需求,同时产生所需的现金,为未来的能源发展提供资金。”

  Whale将是壳牌在墨西哥湾第二个采用简化、经济有效的主机设计的深水开发项目。通过这种开发方法,壳牌预计内部回报率估计会超过 25%。Whale 开发项目将采用节能燃气轮机和压缩系统。这将是壳牌墨西哥湾投资组合的最新进展,该地区的生产是全球石油生产中温室气体(GHG)强度最低的地区之一。

  Whale 开发项目由壳牌离岸公司(60%,运营商)和雪佛龙(40%)拥有,预计最高产量将达到约10万桶油当量/天,目前估计可采资源量为4.9亿桶油当量。Whale将是壳牌在墨西哥湾的第12个深水项目,目前计划于2024年开始生产。


  朱佳妮 摘译自 世界石油


  Shell commits to Whale development in deepwater Gulf of Mexico

  Shell Offshore Inc., a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc, announced the final investment decision (FID) for Whale, a deep-water development in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico that features a 99% replicated hull and an 80% replication of the topsides from our Vito project.

  “Whale is the latest demonstration of our focus on simplification, replication and capital projects with shorter cycle times to drive greater value from our advantaged positions,” said Wael Sawan, Shell Upstream Director. “We are building on more than 40 years of deep-water expertise to deliver competitive projects that yield high-margin barrels so that we are able to meet the energy demands of today while generating the cash required to help fund the development of the energy of the future.”

  Whale will be the second Shell-operated deep-water development in the Gulf of Mexico to employ a simplified, cost-efficient host design. With this development approach, Shell anticipates an internal rate of return estimated to be greater than 25%. The Whale development will feature energy-efficient gas turbines and compression systems. This development will be the latest addition to Shell’s Gulf of Mexico portfolio where production is among the lowest greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity in the world for producing oil.

  The Whale development, owned by Shell Offshore Inc. (60% operator) and Chevron U.S.A. Inc. (40%), is expected to reach peak production of approximately 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) and currently has an estimated, recoverable resource volume of 490 million boe. Whale will be Shell’s 12th deep-water host in the Gulf of Mexico and is currently scheduled to begin production in 2024.

  Shell’s Powering Progress strategy to thrive through the energy transition includes increasing investment in lower carbon energy solutions, while continuing to pursue the most energy-efficient and highest-return Upstream investments.

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