Wintershall Dea第二季收益强劲

   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据OE网站7月27日表示,根据Wintershall Dea周二发布的收益报告显示,得益于油价上涨和支出减少,该公

   据OE网站7月27日表示,根据Wintershall Dea周二发布的收益报告显示,得益于油价上涨和支出减少,该公司2021年第二季度收益强劲。

  该公司由巴斯夫和俄罗斯Letter One共同拥有,三个月的息税折旧摊销前利润(EBITDAX )为6.36亿欧元(合7.501亿美元),同比增长140 %。

  调整后的净收入为1.68亿欧元,较2020年同期增长 93 %。


  首席执行官马里奥梅伦( Mario Mehren )在谈到第二季度时表示,(它)稳定了我们的信用评级,并使我们在实现战略目标方面具有很大的灵活性。

  上个月,由于巴斯夫表示市场低估了石油和天然气公司的价值,Wintershall Dea的上市计划被搁置。

  资本支出下降37%至2.23亿欧元,并有望实现全年10 - 11 亿欧元的目标。

  Wintershall Dea第二季度产量同比增长1%后,其全年产量预期为6.3亿 - 6.4亿桶油当量/天。

  Wintershall 在第二季度又向股东发放了1亿欧元的股息,在暂停了2020年的股息后,今年完成了总计6亿欧元的支付。



  (1美元= 0.8479欧元)

  郝芬 译自 OE


  Higher Oil Prices, Lower Spending Boost Wintershall Dea's 2Q Result

  Wintershall Dea posted strong second-quarter 2021 earnings as it benefited from firmer oil prices and reduced spending, its earnings report showed on Tuesday.

  The company, owned jointly by BASF and Russia's LetterOne, posted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization, and exploration expenses (EBITDAX), a standard oil industry measure, of 636 million euros ($750.10 million) in the three months, up 140% year-on-year.

  Adjusted net income of 168 million euros was up 93% from the same 2020 period.

  Brent oil prices have fallen to just under $75 from a peak of $77 a barrel in early July, which were the highest since 2018.

  Chief Executive Mario Mehren said of the second quarter; "(It) has stabilized our credit ratings and gives us significant flexibility to follow our strategic objectives."

  Wintershall Dea's planned stock market listing was put on hold last month with BASF saying the market was underestimating the value of oil and gas companies.

  Capital expenditure fell 37% to 223 million eurosand is on track to achieve full year guidance of 1-1.1 billion euros.

  Wintershall Dea's production outlook for the full year is now for 630-640 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe/day) after its second-quarter production was 1% up year-on-year.

  Wintershall in the second quarter released another 100 million euros in dividend to shareholders, completing payment of a total 600 million this year after suspending its 2020 dividend.

  The company, which produces gas and oil in 13 countries, was helped by a new discovery in Norway close to existing infrastructure.

  Its core regions are Russia, Argentina, North Africa, and the Middle East.

  ($1 = 0.8479 euros)

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