
   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油田技术7月27日消息,塔洛斯能源(Talos Energy)宣布了2021年第二季度的初步产量估算,Tornado Atti

   据油田技术7月27日消息,塔洛斯能源(Talos Energy)宣布了2021年第二季度的初步产量估算,Tornado Attic井首次成功投产,Crown 和 Anchor井钻井成功。


  继2021年6月宣布在墨西哥湾成功钻探Tornado Attic井后,塔洛斯实施完井作业,并于2021年7月中旬实现首次生产。该井目前的产量高于此前估计的8000-1万桶油当量/天。该公司还提高了Tornado注入井的注入速度,目前正在以超过3万桶/天的速度向投产中的B-6地层注入水。该项目是深水环境中首个井内注水项目,旨在通过现有的水下生产井提高整体产量和采收率。塔洛斯与科斯莫斯能源(Kosmos Energy)共同持有65%的开采权益。

  Viosca Knoll 960区块的Crown 和 Anchor侧钻井的真实垂直深度(TVD)约为13000英尺,在M62中中新世目标层发现了约50英尺的TVD净油层。该项目已进入完井阶段,将通过现有的海底基础设施到Marlin张力腿平台进行生产,这需要额外的回接成本,预计第一次生产将在21年第三季度末完成。塔洛斯与Beacon Offshore Energy(运营商)和Ridgewood Crown & Anchor LLC共同持有该项目34%的开采权益。

  塔洛斯总裁兼首席执行官Timothy S. Duncan评论:“我们的运营团队在今年资本计划中最活跃的部分提供了出色的执行力,我很高兴我们在前两季度中实现了强劲的连续生产,其中不包括这两个最新井。我们优质的资产基础正在带来稳健的业绩,再加上大宗商品价格的支撑和资产负债表的持续改善,我们很高兴能在下半年专注于众多战略举措。我们期待在即将发布的收益报告中提供进一步更新。”

  裘寅 编译自 油田技术


  Talos Energy achieves first oil from Gulf of Mexico well

  Talos Energy has announced preliminary production estimates for 2Q21, successful first production from the Tornado Attic well and successful drilling of the Crown and Anchor well.

  Talos estimates that average daily production for 2Q21 was approximately 66 000 boe/d net, ahead of company expectations, and was approximately 69% oil and 76% liquids. Estimated realised prices for the quarter, exclusive of hedges, were US$64.28/bbl of oil, US$22.28/bbl of NGLs and $3.05/million ft3 of natural gas.

  Following successful drilling of the Tornado Attic well in the Gulf of Mexico, announced in June 2021, Talos executed completion operations and achieved first production in mid-July 2021.

  The well is currently producing above the previously estimated 8 - 10 000 boe/d range. The company also increased injection rates in the structurally downdip Tornado injector well and is now injecting at a rate of over 30 000 bpd of water into the producing B-6 formation. The project is the first intra-well water flood of its kind in a deepwater subsea environment and is intended to increase overall production and recovery efficiency through the existing subsea producing wells. Talos holds a 65% working interest (operator) along with Kosmos Energy.

  The Crown and Anchor sidetrack well at Viosca Knoll block 960 was drilled to a true vertical depth (TVD) of approximately 13 000 ft and encountered approximately 50 ft of net TVD oil pay in the M62 Middle Miocene target horizon. The project has moved to the completion phase and will produce through existing subsea infrastructure to the Marlin tension leg platform, requiring nominal additional tie-back costs, with first production targeted by late 3Q21. Talos holds a 34% working interest in the project along with Beacon Offshore Energy (operator) and Ridgewood Crown & Anchor LLC.

  Talos President and CEO, Timothy S. Duncan, commented: "Our operations team provided exceptional execution in what was the most active portion of our capital program for the year and I'm pleased that we've delivered strong sequential production over the past two quarters, which does not include the impact of these two latest wells. Our high-quality asset base is delivering solid results, and in combination with commodity price support and continued balance sheet improvement, we're excited to move into the second half of the year focused on numerous strategic initiatives. We look forward to providing a broader update in our upcoming earnings release."

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