New Energy Freedom炼油厂生产负碳燃料

   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据烃加工网站7月23日报道 New Energy Blue计划在爱荷华州建设一个生物质炼油厂,旨在生产可再生的碳负

   据烃加工网站7月23日报道 New Energy Blue计划在爱荷华州建设一个生物质炼油厂,旨在生产可再生的碳负汽车燃料,取代汽油。


  该公司正在爱荷华州梅森市附近一个占地155英亩的地方开发New Energy Freedom生物质炼油厂。27.5万吨农作物残渣(玉米秸秆和麦秸)将在当地采购,然后转化为2000万加仑纤维素乙醇和95吨木质素,这是一种固体生物燃料和天然粘合剂。温室气体减少的一半来自于替代石油产品,另一半来自于通过最佳耕作方法隔离土壤碳。



  New Energy Freedom是美国最早的负碳炼油厂之一,也是丹麦以外首次大规模使用Inbicon生物转化技术。New Energy Blue团队是这项技术发展的副产品,该公司于2019年从奥斯特购买了炼油厂特许经营权和扩建权。Freedom的资本支出约为2亿美元,与Inbicon 15年发展的投资金额大致相同。奥斯特建立并运营了一个示范炼油厂五年,向丹麦加油站供应2G乙醇。

  New Energy Blue已经完成了围绕几种不同原料的工艺设计,目前正在完成明年在爱荷华州建设的现场具体设计,该公司计划在未来6年内再建设4个生物质炼油厂。

  王磊 摘译自 烃加工


  New Energy Freedom refinery to produce carbon-negative fuel

  New Energy Blue planned construction in Iowa of a biomass refinery designed to produce renewable carbon-negative automotive fuel, which replaces gasoline.

  "Our Iowa project can keep one million tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere every year–like taking 200,000 cars off the road," says Thomas Corle, CEO. "Future refineries are expected to be twice the size of the first."

  The company is developing New Energy Freedom biomass refinery on a 155-acre site near Mason City, Iowa. 275,000 tons of crop residue (cornstalks and wheat straw) will be locally sourced, then converted into 20 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol and 95 tons of lignin, a solid biofuel and natural binder. Half the greenhouse-gas reduction comes from replacing petroleum products, the other half from sequestering soil carbons through best farming practices.

  "Our cellulosic fuel can exceed California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard policy and its rigorous air quality requirements," says Corle. "Other states continue to adopt similar policies, which drive the growing global demand for carbon-negative transportation fuels."

  Strong demand is also expected for the refinery's lignin. Produced by a clean process, it can replace oil-derived bitumen as the binder in asphalt. "A greener way to pave roads and shingle roofs," Corle says.

  Besides being one of America's first carbon-negative refineries, New Energy Freedom represents the first large-scale use of Inbicon bioconversion technology outside of Denmark. New Energy Blue's team is a spin-off of the technology's development. The company purchased exclusive rights to license and build-out refineries from Ørsted in 2019. Freedom's CapEx is about $200 million, about the same amount invested in Inbicon's 15-year development. Ørsted built and operated a demonstration refinery for five years, supplying 2G ethanol to Danish petrol stations.

  New Energy Blue has completed process engineering around several different feedstocks and is now completing a site-specific design for construction next year in Iowa. The company plans to build four more biomass refineries over the next 6 years.

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