
   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据安迅思能源7月26日消息称,埃尼集团和肯尼亚石油和矿业部签署了一份谅解备忘录,以通过整个生物燃料


  双方将共同开展可行性研究,以发展废物和残渣收集以及农业项目,目的是建立广泛的原料来源,不与食品循环竞争,转化为生物燃料和生物产品,可能有助于为埃尼在意大利格拉和威尼斯的生物精炼厂提供饲料。双方还将评估将蒙巴萨炼油厂改造成生物炼油厂的机会,以及利用埃尼技术 Ecofining™ e Proesa 建造一座新工厂,利用废弃生物质生产第二代生物乙醇。




  朱佳妮 摘译自 安迅思能源


  Eni will use biofuels from Kenya for plants in Italy

  Eni and the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining of Kenya signed an MoU to promote the decarbonization process to tackle climate change through new industrial models of fully-integrated circular economy along the whole bio-fuel production value chain.

  The parties will jointly conduct feasibility studies to develop waste and residue collection as well as agricultural projects, with the purpose of establishing a wide range of feedstock sources that do not compete with food cycles, to be transformed into bio-fuels and bio-products that might contribute to feed Eni’s bio-refineries in Gela and Venice, Italy. The parties will also assess the opportunity of converting Mombasa refinery into a bio-refinery, as well as the construction of a new plant for second-generation bio-ethanol from waste biomass, leveraging on Eni technologies Ecofining™ e Proesa.

  The agricultural development project focuses on the development of sustainable oil crop cultivations - namely, low ILUC (indirect land use change) feedstock such as cover crops, castor in degraded lands, croton trees in agro-forestry systems and other agro-industrial co-products.

  This initiative will contribute to diversifying Kenya’s energy mix and supporting the overall de-carbonization process, while also decreasing the Country’s dependence from imports of petroleum products. Other expected benefits include developing sustainable agricultural activities and circular economy, producing power from renewable sources, fostering the economic competitiveness of the local industry and creating new jobs.

  The agreement contributes to the objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The projects also contribute to the implementation of the Kenya Bioenergy Strategy, Updated Nationally Determined Contribution, Kenya’s National Development Plans, including Kenya Vision 2030. Also, the initiatives are in line with Eni’s commitment to play a pivotal role in the decarbonization process and with the Company’s target to become palm-oil free by 2023 and to double bio-refineries capacity to around 2mln tons by 2024. Eni has been present in Kenya since 2013 through its subsidiary Eni Kenya.

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