
   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据俄罗斯卫星通讯社莫斯科报道,俄罗斯北溪-2管道公司首席执行官马提亚斯·瓦尔尼格7月11日在接受《德


  瓦尔格尼说:“目前,这个项目的管道铺设作业已经完成了98%。 我们希望北溪-2管道项目的管道铺设作业能在8月底完成。”



  北溪-2管道项目是俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司和5家西欧能源公司的合资企业,计划沿波罗的海海底建设一条长1230公里的双天然气管道,以补充现有的北溪-1管道天然气输送网络。 一旦在今年晚些时候建成,这个新的管道网络将能够每年从俄罗斯向欧洲输送多达1.9万亿立方英尺(550亿立方米)的天然气,从而使北溪管道的输气能力翻倍。

  李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网


  Nord Stream 2 pipeline operator expects project to be cpmpleted by end of August,CEO says

  The Nord Stream 2 pipeline operator expects to complete the project by the end of August, the company's CEO, Matthias Warnig, told the Handelsblatt newspaper.

  "At the moment, the work is 98% done. We expect the pipe-laying work to be done by the end of August," Warnig said.

  The construction of the pipeline, which is set to carry gas from Russia to Germany, has been fraught with difficulties as the United States and several European countries have repeatedly voiced their strong opposition to the project.

  Germany – the project’s main European economic benefactor and the continent’s main industrial power, has rejected US pressure, and stressed repeatedly that it sees Nord Stream 2 as strictly an economic venture unrelated to broader relations with either Washington and Moscow.

  Nord Stream 2 is a joint venture of Russia’s Gazprom and five Western European energy concerns, and envisions the construction of a 1,230 km twin gas pipeline along the bottom of the Baltic Sea to complement the existing Nord Stream 1 network. once completed later this year, the new network will be able to transport up to 1.9 trillion cubic feet (55 billion cubic metres) of gas per year from Russia to Europe, thus doubling Nord Stream’s capacity.

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