Neptune Energy在挪威海底油井实现数字化创新

   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据7月15日油田技术报道,Neptune Energy 公司利用基于3D游戏技术的数据可视化平台,将其在挪威的海底

   据7月15日油田技术报道,Neptune Energy 公司利用基于3D游戏技术的数据可视化平台,将其在挪威的海底井组合数字化,以提高钻井和生产效率,减少时间和成本。


  开发商的GeologiQ 基于云的软件将3D和2D环境中的原始 E&P 数据结合在一起,并使用 3D游戏技术,使Neptune的钻井和油井团队能够可视化历史数据和实时数据,以改进油井设计,并将学到的知识融入未来的操作中。

  Neptune Energy公司挪威钻井与油井总监Thor Andre Løvoll表示:“通过数字化挪威投资组合中的所有海底油井,我们大大提高了规划干预措施、实时监控钻井和生产作业,并更好地了解井的历史。




  Neptune Energy的首席信息官Kaveh Pourteymour补充道:“我们在Neptune的数字化战略目标很简单:就是通过技术和数字化,支持生产效率和增长。通过巧妙地应用技术,我们可以最大限度地提高效率并减少业务各个领域的浪费。”

  祝精燕 摘译自 油田技术


  Neptune Energy’s subsea wells in Norway digitised with gaming tech

  Neptune Energy has digitised its portfolio of subsea wells in Norway, using a data visualisation platform based on 3D gaming technology to enhance drilling and production efficiency, and reduce time and costs.

  The new digital twins of Neptune’s wells were developed in collaboration with InformatiQ, an oil and gas data visualisation specialist that combines infrastructure, wells and geology data to create detailed 3D models.

  The developer’s GeologiQ cloud-based software combined raw E&P data in 3D and 2D environments and used 3D gaming technology to enable Neptune’s drilling and wells teams to visualise both historical and live data to improve well design and incorporate learnings in future operations.

  Neptune Energy’s Director of Drilling & Wells for Norway, Thor Andre Løvoll, said: “By digitalising all subsea wells within our Norwegian portfolio we have greatly improved our ability to plan interventions, monitor drilling and production operations in real-time and gain better understanding of the wells’ history.

  “Investing in innovations such as these improves efficiency by enhancing communication, interaction and decision-making across our business.”

  This latest digital innovation for Neptune’s assets follows the creation of digital twins of several of its operated platforms in the Norwegian, UK and Dutch sectors of the North Sea, enabling offshore site inspections and maintenance planning to be carried out from onshore.

  Neptune has also implemented Virtual Reality technology, originally developed to train astronauts travelling to the International Space Station, on the Neptune-operated Gjøa platform.

  Neptune Energy’s Chief Information Officer, Kaveh Pourteymour, added: “The goal of our digitalisation strategy at Neptune is simple: it’s how, through technology and digitisation, we can support production efficiency and growth. By applying technologies smartly, we can maximise efficiencies and reduce waste in every area of our business.”

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