
   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据《石油世界期刊》7月16日休斯顿报道,两家公司7月15日表示,英国石油公司(BP)即将向墨西哥太平洋海

   据《石油世界期刊》7月16日休斯顿报道,两家公司7月15日表示,英国石油公司(BP)即将向墨西哥太平洋海岸的Sempra的Energia Costa Azul接收终端交付其首批被称为碳中和液化天然气货物。



  英国石油和壳牌没有指明运载碳中和液化天然气货物的船只;普氏贸易流软件cFlow显示了巴哈加利福尼亚半岛附近的部分装载液化天然气油轮Arwa Spirit和装载液化天然气油轮BW Helios。





  今年4月,切尼尔(Cheniere)向欧洲交付了其所称的碳中性液化天然气货物,这些货物是供应给壳牌的,壳牌是切尼尔在路易斯安那州萨宾帕斯(Sabine Pass)液化工厂的客户。最近,壳牌与中石油签署了一项提供碳中性液化天然气的五年协议。

  英国石油公司曾表示,其目标是到2050年或更早成为一家净零公司。Sempra已经设定了一个目标,即在温室气体排放强度比2020年基线低20%的情况下运营其现有的液化天然气基础设施。除了BP的碳抵消货物,根据BP及其合作伙伴在印度尼西亚Tangguh液化天然气的长期销售和购买协议,Energia Costa Azul设施每年将继续接收多批液化天然气货物。

  除了Energia Costa Azul, Sempra还在路易斯安那州运营卡梅隆(Cameron)液化天然气出口设施。在德克萨斯州阿瑟港(Port Arthur)附近建造出口设施还未批准。

  郝芬 译自 石油世界期刊


  BP send first carbon-offset LNG cargo to Sempra terminal in Mexico

  BP was nearing delivery of what was described as its first carbon-offset LNG cargo to Sempra's Energia Costa Azul receiving terminal on Mexico's Pacific Coast, the companies said July 15.

  The cargo, shipped under an agreement reached between the companies, was expected to arrive July 16, they said in a joint statement. Sempra is building an LNG export facility at the site of the existing regasification terminal.

  The delivery is part of a flurry of initiatives energy companies have launched over the last year to quantify or reduce their carbon emissions amid the global transition to greater use of cleaner-burning fuels. While most of the companies will continue to engage in fossil fuel production for decades to come, they hope to preserve existing business relationships and build new ones with climate-conscious customers.

  BP and Shell didn't name the vessel carrying the carbon-offset LNG cargo; cFlow, Platts trade flow software, showed the partly laden LNG tanker Arwa Spirit and laden LNG tanker BW Helios near the Baja California peninsula.

  The estimated carbon dioxide and methane emissions associated with the LNG cargo, from wellhead to discharge terminal, will be offset by retiring a corresponding amount of carbon credits, sourced from a Mexican afforestation project from BP's portfolio, the companies said. The statement did not make clear whether all of the emissions would be offset, to render the cargo as carbon neutral.

  The companies did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment.

  It was to be the first delivery under BP's new offering and Sempra's first carbon offset LNG cargo import to Mexico.

  Other energy companies have been pursuing carbon-neutral or carbon-offset cargoes, lifting gas deemed responsibly sourced or considering carbon capture and sequestration projects to curb GHG emissions.

  In April, Cheniere delivered to Europe what it described as a carbon neutral LNG cargo that was supplied to Shell, a foundation customer of Cheniere's Sabine Pass liquefaction facility in Louisiana. More recently, Shell signed a five-year agreement with PetroChina for the supply of carbon-neutral LNG.

  BP has said its goal is to be a net-zero company by 2050 or sooner. Sempra has set a target to operate its existing LNG infrastructure at a GHG emissions intensity 20% less than its 2020 baseline. Aside from the BP carbon-offset cargo, the Energia Costa Azul facility will continue to receive multiple LNG cargoes each year pursuant to a long-term sales and purchase agreement involving BP and its partners in Indonesia's Tangguh LNG.

  Besides Energia Costa Azul, Sempra operates the Cameron LNG export facility in Louisiana. It has not yet sanctioned construction of an export facility it has proposed to build near Port Arthur, Texas.

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