
   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据管道天然气杂志网7月15日报道,全球大约有28个商业碳捕获利用和存储设施(CCUS),每年总容量为4000万




  Global Data上游油气分析师Steven Ho表示,目前CCUS项目的发展主要是出于商业和商业考虑。在28个作业设施中,有22个是由于利用CO2进行强化采油作业所产生的额外经济价值而受到激励的。然而,在2020年期间,计划新建的碳捕获和储存设施显著增加。到2028年,这些新增产能将达到7200万吨。


  随着越来越多的企业开始对 CCUS 表现出兴趣和投资,CCUS 产业枢纽和集群的形成变得更加普遍。这可以通过扩大规模经济和降低投资风险使所有有关各方受益。这些枢纽中心的工作是将二氧化碳流聚集、压缩、脱水,并将其从集散地输送到存储地。未来氢需求的增加也是增加CCS产能的激励因素。将CCS添加到主要的蒸汽甲烷重整过程中,其经济成本比使用可再生电力通过电解生产氢气等要低。


  郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网


  Globaldata: Significantly More Carbon Capture Infrastructure Needed to Achieve Net-Zero Emissions

  There are approximately 28 commercial Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage facilities (CCUS) globally, with a total capacity of 40 Megatons per annum (Mtpa), but accounting for only 0.12% of total energy-related CO2 emissions. In reference to the net-zero emissions by 2050 scenario by International Energy Agency (IEA), CCUS plays a significant role in a decarbonized economy and capacity needs to be ramped-up by 190-fold, and to as much 7.6 Gigatons per annum (Gtpa), according to GlobalData, a data and analytics company.

  On May 25, 2021, U.S. Congress passed the bipartisan CATCH Act to increase the carbon capture credit from $50 to as high as $85 per metric ton of CO2. This policy will be a huge driver for many oil and gas stakeholders across the value chain, as the current cost to capture carbon in power generation ranges from $40 to $80 per ton of CO2.

  The energy sector accounts for approximately three quarters of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According to IEA, CO2 emissions reached a high of 33.5 Gtpa in 2018 and have reduced to 33.4 Gt in 2019 and 31.5 in 2020, mainly due to the Covid-19 economic crisis. In comparison to the total emissions level, CCUS capacity is relatively insignificant and requires a collective effort from global government and industry leaders to ramp up the deployment of CCUS facilities.

  “The current development of CCUS projects is mainly driven by business and commercial considerations. Out of the 28 operational facilities, 22 are incentivized by the additional economic value created from using CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) operations,” said Steven Ho, upstream oil & gas analyst at GlobalData. “However, during 2020 there has been a noticeable increase in the planned new carbon capture and storage facilities. These would add up to 72 Mtpa of additional capacity by 2028.”

  Many of the facilities already in construction are in the power generation sector, he said. In 2020, they account for 67% of additional capacity.

  “For coal or fossil fuel power plants, retrofitting existing plants is the most cost-effective option in the near term, especially in growing economies in Asia that are still heavily dependent on fossil fuel and coal,” Ho said. “Additional CCS capacity in chemical production and hydrogen production industries are also expected to be commercially developed by 2025, adding up to approximately 14 Mtpa and 5.4 Mtpa of carbon capture capacity, respectively.”

  As more parties are beginning to show interest and investing in CCUS, the formation of CCUS industrial hubs and clusters become more common. These can benefit all involved parties by increasing economies of scale and reduce investment risk. These hubs work to aggregate, compress, dehydrate and transport CO2 streams from clusters of facilities to storage sites. An increase in future hydrogen demand is also an incentive for additional CCS capacity. Adding CCS to the dominant steam methane reformation process, has a lower economic cost than, for instance, producing hydrogen through electrolysis using renewable electricity.

  Ho continues: “Beyond 2030, further deployment of carbon capture facilities becomes a very likely scenario to compensate for the remaining carbon emissions that remain from a hard-to-abate industry, such as cement, and require to capture up to 7.6 Gtpa by 2050 to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.”

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