Oil Search拒绝桑托斯65亿美元收购要约

   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据离岸工程网站7月20日消息 两家公司周二表示,Oil Search拒绝了桑托斯有限公司主动提出的收购提议,

   据离岸工程网站7月20日消息 两家公司周二表示,Oil Search拒绝了桑托斯有限公司主动提出的收购提议,后者对这家专注于巴布亚新几内亚的油气生产商的估值为88亿澳元(65亿美元)。

  Oil Search 表示,该提议不符合股东的最佳利益,但在桑托斯表示仍希望进行谈判以创建一个在市值上与澳大利亚最大的独立天然气生产商伍德赛德石油相匹敌的集团后,其股价上涨了 7%。

  这一举措出台之际,Oil Search正在寻找一位新的首席执行官来接替凯兰•伍尔夫。伍尔夫因健康状况不佳和举报人投诉,上任仅17个月,于周一辞职。同时还暂停了对阿拉斯加一个价值30亿美元的石油项目的最终决定。

  桑托斯在6月25日提出这一提议,但这一提议在周二才被披露,此前一天,Oil Search董事长里克•李在一次关于伍尔夫辞职的电话会议上对分析师表示,公司尚未收到任何提议。

  Oil Search表示,该提议经过其顾问、董事会和高级管理层的评估,确定不符合股东的最佳利益。

  王磊 摘译自 离岸工程


  Oil Search Rejects $6.5B Takeover Offer from Santos

  Oil Search rejected an unsolicited takeover proposal from Santos Ltd that valued the Papua New Guinea-focused oil and gas producer at A$8.8 billion ($6.5 billion), the two companies said on Tuesday.

  Oil Search said the offer was not in the best interests of shareholders, but its shares rose 7% after Santos said it still wanted to pursue talks to create a group that would rival Australia's top independent gas producer Woodside Petroleum in market value.

  The approach comes at a tricky time for Oil Search as it is searching for a new chief executive to replace Keiran Wulff, who quit on Monday following just 17 months in the job due to ill health and a whistleblower complaint. It also just put on hold a final decision on a $3 billion oil project in Alaska.

  Santos made the approach on June 25, but the proposal was only revealed on Tuesday after Oil Search Chairman Rick Lee a day earlier, on a call about Wulff's resignation, told analysts the company had not received any approaches.

  Oil Search said the proposal, which was assessed by its advisers, board and senior management, was determined not to be in the best interest of shareholders.

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