
   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   ,据Splash 7月19日消息,意大利能源服务承包商Saipem推出了一种用于生产绿色氢的技术解决方案,该解

   ,据Splash 7月19日消息,意大利能源服务承包商Saipem推出了一种用于生产绿色氢的技术解决方案,该解决方案将各种可再生能源,如漂浮式风能、漂浮式太阳能和海洋能,组合成一个单一的系统。


  Saipem首席执行官Francesco Caio评论道:“SUISO品牌是Saipem寻找创新和可持续解决方案能力的一个例子,能够引领客户实现能源转型。该解决方案适用于海洋场地不断变化的特征和不同的生产需求。在基础设施和技术先进工厂的设计和实施过程中获得的专业知识使 Saipem能够涵盖绿色制氢价值链,成为实现净零经济之路的战略合作伙伴。”


  祝精燕 摘译自 Splash


  Saipem launches technology for offshore production of green hydrogen

  Italian energy services contractor Saipem has launched a technological solution for the production of green hydrogen that combines various renewable energy sources, such as floating wind, floating solar and marine energy, into a single system.

  Called SUISO, the technology will power together or individually, electrolyzes installed on existing offshore platforms for the production of green hydrogen. The technology allows the conversion of oil & gas offshore facilities which have now reached the end of their life cycle.

  Francesco Caio, CEO of Saipem, commented: “The SUISO brand is an example of Saipem’s ability to find innovative and sustainable solutions to lead its clients in the energy transition. The solution is adaptable to the changing characteristics of the marine sites and to the different production needs. The know-how gained in the design and execution of infrastructures and technologically advanced plants allows Saipem to cover the green hydrogen production value chain and to be a strategic partner in the path towards a net zero economy.”

  SUISO will find its first application in the Agnes project, the offshore energy hub that Saipem, in partnership with Qint’x, intends to build off the Adriatic coast of Ravenna.

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