
   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据电力新闻2021年7月15日报道,法国道达尔能源公司7月15日在巴黎表示,其今年第二季度权益液化天然气




  1月中旬,受东北亚地区天气相关的天然气需求增加、有限的储存能力和区域液化中断等因素的影响,JKM基准价格达到了历史最高水平32.5美元/ MMBtu。

  整个第二季度都保持在相对较高的水平,7月14日评估为13.34美元/ MMBtu。




  2020年,道达尔能源公司的权益LNG销售达到1760万吨,比前一年增长了8%。 总的来说,道达尔能源公司2020年LNG销量同比增长了12%,达到了3830万吨。

  道达尔能源公司7月15日还公布了其今年第二季度全球天然气平均销售价格为4.43美元/ MMBtu,高于第一季度的4.06美元/ MMBtu。

  李峻 编译自 电力新闻


  France's TotalEnergies Q2 equity LNG sales price hits two-year high

  France's TotalEnergies said July 15 its average realized sales price for equity LNG in the second quarter of 2021 was at $6.59/MMBtu, its highest realized price since Q1 2019.

  The Q2 average sales price was up by 8% quarter on quarter and by 50% year on year.

  The Q2 average was, however, below that of the JKM front-month LNG price in the period, of $10.04/MMBtu.

  The JKM benchmark price reached an all-time high of $32.50/MMBtu in mid-January, driven by a combination of incremental weather-related gas demand in Northeast Asia, limited storage capacity and regional liquefaction outages.

  It remained at relatively high levels through the second quarter, and on July 14 was assessed at $13.34/MMBtu.

  A large amount of long-term LNG supply globally remains contracted on an oil-indexed basis, however, meaning the spot price increase would only have a limited impact on the portfolio of big players such as TotalEnergies.

  TotalEnergies has said previously that the LNG price indicator reflected the combined effect of sales volumes and prices of long-term contracts and spot sales.

  It is the sixth consecutive quarter TotalEnergies has published an average sales price for its LNG, with the major saying it introduced the price to allow for a "better understanding" of the company's integrated gas business unit performance.

  In 2020, TotalEnergies' equity LNG sales amounted to 17.6 million mt, up 8% from the previous year. Overall, LNG sales were up 12% on the year in 2020 at 38.3 million mt.

  TotalEnergies also published July 15 its average global gas sales price of $4.43/MMBtu for Q2 2021, which was up from $4.06/MMBtu in Q1 2021.

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