
   2021-08-03 互联网讯


核心提示:   据能源世界网7月14日休斯顿报道,据周一发布的数据显示,随着能源和股票价格的上涨导致更大规模的油田



  据能源数据提供商 Enverus估计,上季度报告的40笔交易的总价值为330亿美元,高于去年全年的445亿美元。

  Enverus的高级并购分析师 Andrew Ditt mar 表示,该季度7笔10亿美元以上的交易主要在德克萨斯州和科罗拉多州的油田,但总价值的五分之一用于美国东部的天然气资产。

  随着美国天然气价格今年上涨40%,天然气成为人们关注的焦点,促使西南能源公司(Southwestern Energy)以27亿美元收购了Indigo Natural Resources, EQT Corp以29亿美元收购了东北天然气生产商Alta Resources。




  按价格计算,上季度最大的交易是卡伯特石油和天然气公司( Cabot Oil and Gas )以 74 亿美元收购 Cimare x Energy 和先锋自然资源公司(Pioneer Natural Resources)的以64亿美元合并收购双点能源公司(DoublePoint Energy),这两家公司都在西德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州的二叠纪盆地( Permian Basin )拥有资产。

  KKR & Co旗下的独立能源公司(Independence Energy)与Contango油气公司(Contango Oil & Gas)合并,交易价值约为57亿美元(包括债务),并将成为收购其他生产商的平台。

  郝芬 译自 能源世界网


  U.S. oil mergers surge as energy, share prices recover from pandemic

  U.S. oil and gas mergers surged last quarter with the most $1 billion plus combinations since 2014, according to data released on Monday, as rising energy and share prices led to larger oilpatch deals.

  Producer are consolidating in U.S. shale as oil and natural gas prices recover from last year's pandemic swoon and this month traded at multi-year highs. Smaller producers also are snapping up unwanted properties in a bet on continued demand for oil and gas while some big oil companies shift their acquisition emphasis to renewables.

  Total value of the 40 reported deals last quarter was $33 billion, estimated energy data provider Enverus Inc, up from $44.5 billion for all of last year.

  The quarter's seven $1 billion plus deals were mostly in Texas and Colorado oilfields but a fifth of the total value was spend on natural gas properties in the U.S. east, said Andrew Dittmar, Enverus' senior M&A analyst.

  Natural gas shot into the spotlight with U.S. prices rising 40% this year, helping spark Southwestern Energy's $2.7 billion acquisition of Indigo Natural Resources and EQT Corp's $2.9 billion deal for northeast gas producer Alta Resources.

  "There is still a lot of activity out there," said Dittmar, citing recovering share prices and the number of private-equity backed firms looking to sell. "Public companies are not done consolidating" smaller, closely-held producers, he said.

  "If commodity prices stay strong, we'll see a fairly active rest of the year," Dittmar said.

  A number of top oil companies including Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, and Occidental Petroleum are considering or have put U.S. oil properties on the market due to rising buyer interest.


  Top deals by price last quarter were Cabot Oil and Gas's $7.4 billion combination with Cimarex Energy and Pioneer Natural Resources' $6.4 billion acquisition of closely held DoublePoint Energy, both for assets in the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico.

  KKR & Co's Independence Energy merged with Contango Oil & Gas, a deal that valued the pair at $5.7 billion, including debt, and will become a platform to acquire other producers.

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