德尔塔变异毒株蔓延 石油市场担忧情绪加剧

   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据8月16日Oil Now报道,在8月16日亚洲早盘交易中,原油期货价格走低。作为石油消费大国的中国出台的限

   据8月16日Oil Now报道,在8月16日亚洲早盘交易中,原油期货价格走低。作为石油消费大国的中国出台的限制措施,影响了石油的流动性,加上美国新冠肺炎病例增多,投资者对德尔塔变异病毒快速蔓延的担忧重新出现。

  新加坡时间上午10:51 (格林尼治时间02:51),洲际交易所10月布伦特原油期货合约较之前收盘价下跌80美分/桶(1.13%),至69.79美元/桶,而纽约商品交易所9月轻质低硫原油合约价格下跌77美分/桶(1.13%),至67.67美元/桶。

  Vanda Insights首席执行官Vandana Hari表示,“对变异病毒的担忧正进一步控制着石油市场情绪。西方夏季旅游和旅游业的繁荣正在逐渐消失,病毒继续在世界各地蔓延”。





  王佳晶 摘译自 Oil Now


  Delta tightening grip on oil market

  Crude oil futures were lower during mid-morning Asian trade Aug. 16 as investor concerns over the fast-spreading delta variant resurfaced amid restrictive movement curbs in oil consuming giant China and growing number of cases in the US.

  At 10:51 am Singapore time (0251 GMT), the ICE October Brent futures contract was down 80 cents/b (1.13%) from the previous close at $69.79/b, while the NYMEX September light sweet crude contract similarly fell 77 cents/b (1.13%) at $67.67/b.

  “The delta [variant] worries are tightening their grip on oil market sentiment,” Vandana Hari, CEO of Vanda Insights, said. “The summer travel and tourism boom in the West is petering out, while the virus continues to fester in pockets across the world.”

  Analysts said the Aug. 16 dip in oil markers may be short-lived as investors take time to reassess the supply-demand outlook as the week progresses.

  “The trade patterns suggest fear and a herd mentality more than a cool-headed recalibration of demand. We have seen a few such “panic Mondays” in recent weeks,” Hari said.

  COVID-19 case numbers in the US have continued to grow. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Aug. 12 reported its highest number of COVID-19 cases since January 2021 at 146,949. The seven-day moving average stood at 119,523 as of Aug. 13, more than six times the average at the start of July.

  The demand outlook remains highly uncertain. Last week, the International Energy Agency pointed to a 120,000 b/d drop in July oil demand because of the coronavirus resurgence in other parts of Asia, and had cut its second-half 2021 demand estimate by 600,000 b/d to 98.15 million b/d.

  OPEC, meanwhile, said on Aug. 12 it was keeping its global demand forecasts for 2021 and 2022 unchanged, and that oil demand should remain higher than supply over the coming months.

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