
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油价网2021年8月13日报道,原油交易商8月13日对彭博社记者表示,尽管由于德尔塔变异病毒席卷全球导


  亚洲炼油商寻求更便宜的原油,特别是沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)上周将其9月份出口亚洲原油的官方售价上调至自2020年2月以来的最高溢价。 由于其他主要中东产油国跟随沙特阿拉伯的定价趋势,海湾地区的其他石油出口国也提高了出口原油价格。



  因此,亚洲炼油商正在巧妙地寻找美国乐于供应的低价原油。 美国中质和重质原油生产商以比7月份更低的价格出售他们的原油。 上周接受彭博社采访的交易商表示,俄罗斯的石油公司也在打折出售乌拉尔混合原油。


  印度巴拉特石油公司获得了200万桶西德克萨斯中质米德兰原油,预计将在10月运达印度。 在东北亚,两家炼油厂购买了500万美国玛尔斯原油,预计将在11月份运抵。

  李峻 编译自 油价网


  Asia Buys More U.S. Crude As Middle East Hikes Oil Prices

  Despite a slowdown in fuel demand due to the Delta variant, Asian refiners have booked more crude oil from the United States for the fourth quarter, taking advantage of the lower U.S. benchmark prices than last month, traders told Bloomberg on Friday.

  Refiners in Asia seek cheaper crude, especially after Saudi Aramco raised last week its official selling prices for crude oil loading for Asia in September to the highest premiums to benchmarks since February 2020. Since other major Middle Eastern producers follow the trends in Saudi pricing, other oil exporters in the Gulf also raised their prices.

  Signs have already emerged that some Asian refiners have asked for lower Saudi crude volumes for September.

  Some Asian refiners have nominated lower than usual volumes of crude oil from Saudi Arabia as authorities in the rest of Asia have reimposed restrictions to fight the Delta variant surge, officials at four refineries told Bloomberg.

  Refiners are thus opportunistically seeking lower-priced crude, which the U.S. is happy to supply. U.S. producers of medium heavy are selling their oil at lower prices than last month’s. And Russian oil companies are discounting their Urals grade, according to traders who spoke to Bloomberg last week.

  With U.S. crude prices now lower than last month’s, and at significantly lower premiums over the Dubai benchmark, Asian refiners have bought at least 7 million barrels of U.S. crude set to arrive in October and November, according to Bloomberg’s trading sources.

  Bharat Petroleum Corporation of India has acquired 2 million barrels of the West Texas Intermediate Midland crude grade scheduled to arrive in October. In Northeast Asia, two refiners have bought 5 million of Mars crude for November arrival, the traders said.

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