
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据今日油价网站8月12日消息 乌干达将成为今年11月开普敦非洲能源周(AEW)的一个重点,因为其蓬勃发展

   据今日油价网站8月12日消息 乌干达将成为今年11月开普敦非洲能源周(AEW)的一个重点,因为其蓬勃发展的石油工业看来将在未来几年蓬勃发展。乌干达政府最近一直在努力鼓励更多的外国投资,因为该国的目标是在未来十年大力发展其石油和天然气行业。

  AEW 2021将乌干达列为开普敦的重中之重。非洲能源商会执行主席NJ Ayuk表示:“该国丰富的资源、政治意愿和活跃的当地商业行业将使该国成为地区领导者,从而保证增加外国投资和相关发展。”



  王磊 摘译自 今日油价


  Uganda’s Oil Boom Is only Just Beginning

  Uganda is set to be a key focus of African Energy Week (AEW) in Cape Town this November, as its flourishing oil industry looks set to boom in the coming years. Uganda’s government has been working hard to encourage more foreign investment recently as the country aims to develop its oil and gas industry significantly over the next decade.

  “AEW 2021 has placed Uganda as a top priority in Cape Town. The country’s significant resources, political will, and active local business sector will position the country as a regional leader, warranting an increase in foreign investment and associated developments,” stated NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber.

  At present, Uganda holds an estimated 6.5 billion barrels of crude oil, far less than African oil leader Nigeria but a significant amount in terms of the regional average. This could put it in fifth place regionally for oil reserves if proven, and encourage greater development in the sector. At present, 1.4 billion of these barrels are thought to be economically recoverable. Uganda also hopes to boost its production levels to a peak of 230,000 bpd when fully operational.

  Uganda has been fast-developing the industry since Total’s takeover, commissioning the world’s longest electrically heated pipeline, at a length of 1440km and costing around $3.5 billion. The export pipeline will run from western Uganda to the Indian Ocean port of Tanga in Tanzania, building greater international links for Ugandan oil.

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