
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据天然气资讯8月11日消息称,新堡垒能源公司(NFE) 宣布已与 Unigel Participa??es (Unigel) 的子公司

   据天然气资讯8月11日消息称,新堡垒能源公司(NFE) 宣布已与 Unigel Participa??es (Unigel) 的子公司签署了两份天然气供应协议 (GSA),分别向位于巴西巴伊亚州和塞尔吉佩州Unigel Agro-BA 和 Unigel Agro-SE 化肥厂供应天然气。这些协议还包括为Unigel在巴西巴伊亚州坎代亚斯的化工设施提供供应的选项权。

  总的来说,NFE 预计从2022年第一季度开始的五年期限内,每年将为 Unigel 供应高达 41 万亿英热单位的天然气(相当于约 140 万加仑/天的液化天然气)。

  NFE董事长兼首席执行官Wes Edens表示:“我们很高兴成为Unigel的战略天然气供应合作伙伴,Unigel是巴西最重要的工业公司之一。这一合作关系证明了我们的液化天然气进口终端将为巴西客户提供的价值,因为我们为整个巴西带来了负担得起的、可靠的能源供应和支持行业。”

  NFE 董事总经理 Andrew Dete 补充说:“NFE 很自豪能与 Unigel 合作,支持巴西东北部的国内肥料生产。这些协议很好地体现了NFE与巴西领先工业客户合作提供可靠能源供应的使命。”


  Unigel首席执行官Roberto Noronha Santos表示:“我们相信,与NFE的五年协议将为我们的工厂提供更可靠、稳定的长期运营,这是提高我们的竞争力和巩固我们在巴西的商业存在的关键。”


  朱佳妮 摘译自 天然气资讯


  New Fortress Energy and Unigel sign gas supply

  New Fortress Energy Inc. (NFE) has announced that it has executed two gas supply agreements (GSA) with subsidiaries of Unigel Participa??es (Unigel) to supply natural gas to the Unigel Agro-BA and Unigel Agro-SE fertilizer plants located in the Brazilian states of Bahia and Sergipe, respectively. The agreements also include an option to supply Unigel’s chemicals facility in Candeias, state of Bahia, Brazil.

  In total, NFE expects to supply Unigel with up to 41 trillion Btu of natural gas annually (equivalent to approximately 1.4 million gal./d of LNG) for a five-year term beginning in 1Q22.

  “We are excited to become the strategic gas supply partner of Unigel, one of the premier industrial companies in Brazil,” said Wes Edens, Chairman and CEO of NFE. “This partnership demonstrates the value our LNG import terminals will provide to customers in Brazil as we bring affordable, reliable energy supply and support industry throughout Brazil.”

  Andrew Dete, Managing Director at NFE added, “NFE is proud to partner with Unigel to support domestic fertilizer production in Northeast Brazil. These agreements are great examples of NFE’s mission to partner with leading industrial customers in Brazil to provide reliable energy supply.”

  The supply of gas from NFE’s strategically-located Suape and Sergipe LNG terminals in Brazil’s northeast will connect Unigel’s operations to the global LNG and natural gas markets as well as significantly reduce pipeline transportation charges.

  “We believe that this five-year term agreement with NFE will provide a more reliable, stable operation for our plants in the long run, which is key to improve our competitiveness and solidify our commercial presence in Brazil,” said Roberto Noronha Santos, CEO of Unigel.

  Unigel’s Fertilizer Plants are capable of producing over 3000 tpd of urea in total.

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