
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油价网8月12日消息称,IHS Markit周三在一份报告中称,尽管加拿大的石油产量是其国内需求的2.5倍,

   据油价网8月12日消息称,IHS Markit周三在一份报告中称,尽管加拿大的石油产量是其国内需求的2.5倍,但美国仍满足了加拿大一半以上的原油和凝析油需求。

  在2019年(需求的最后一个“正常”年份),加拿大约55%的原油和凝析油需求是通过从美国进口或加拿大生产的石油通过美国再返回加拿大来满足的,也就是说,通过再出口。IHS Markit表示,美国60万桶/天的进口加上48万桶/天的再出口满足了加拿大一半以上的石油需求。


  IHS Markit今日发布的报告强调了北美两大石油生产国之间的相互依赖性。

  IHS Markit北美原油市场总监Celina Hwang表示:“地理上的必要性以及市场对不同类型原油的不同需求,支撑着加拿大和美国之间高度复杂和相互依赖的石油物流系统。”


  朱佳妮 摘译自 油价网


  U.S. Crude Meets Most Of Canada’s Oil Demand

  More than half of Canada’s crude and condensate demand is being met by the United States, despite the fact that Canada pumps two and half times more oil than its domestic demand, IHS Markit said in a report on Wednesday.

  Around 55 percent of the demand for crude and condensate in Canada in 2019, the last ‘normal’ year for demand, was met by imports from the U.S. or by Canada-produced oil routed through the United States and then back into Canada, that is, by re-exports. U.S. imports of 600,000 bpd plus another 480,000 bpd of re-exports met more than half of Canada’s oil demand, IHS Markit said.

  In 2020, Canada’s crude oil imports fell by 20 percent due to lower demand in the pandemic, but the United States further cemented its position as top oil supplier to Canada, supplying nearly four out of every five barrels of oil, the Canada Energy Regulator said earlier this year.

  IHS Markit’s report from today highlighted the interdependence between the two major oil producers in North America.

  “The necessities of geography and the varying demands of markets for different types of crude underpin a highly complex and interdependent oil logistics system between Canada and the United States,” said Celina Hwang, director, North American crude oil markets, IHS Markit.

  “Although this study highlights Canadian dependence on the United States for both supply and transportation, the relationship is truly symbiotic with both nations relying on one another to meet domestic demand each day,” Hwang added.

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