
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据NS能源8月11日消息,丹麦沃旭能源公司(?rsted)已与微软公司达成一项协议,微软将从德克萨斯州本德堡

   据NS能源8月11日消息,丹麦沃旭能源公司(?rsted)已与微软公司达成一项协议,微软将从德克萨斯州本德堡县的Old 300太阳能中心购买能源。

  根据沃旭能源的协议条款,微软将从沃旭能源位于德克萨斯州本德堡县的430 MWAC太阳能中心Old 300购买电力,该中心预计将于2022年第二季度上线。

  沃旭能源高级副总裁兼首席商务官Vishal Kapadia表示:“微软为其范围 1、2 和 3 排放制定了雄心勃勃的可持续发展目标,我们很高兴能够为他们的目标提供支持。鉴于我们两个组织在减排方面的高度一致性,我对我们的继续合作感到兴奋。”

  微软可再生能源高级主管Adrian Anderson称:“在我们迈向100%可再生能源的道路上,我们认识到创新和合作是应对气候变化的基础。我们非常感谢与沃旭能源合作,在ERCOT提供可再生能源,并期待朝着净零碳的未来继续前进。”

  Old 300太阳能中心位于德克萨斯州本德堡县尼德维尔市附近约2800英亩私人拥有的土地上。该项目在当地社区的投资超过4亿美元,将通过租赁付款和财产税,使土地所有者、学校和其他社区服务在未来几年受益。

  裘寅 编译自 NS Energy


  ?rsted signs power purchase agreement with the Microsoft Corporation

  ?rsted and Microsoft Corporation have entered into an agreement for Microsoft to purchase energy from Old 300 Solar Center in Fort Bend County, Texas.

  Per the terms of ?rsted’s agreement, Microsoft will buy power from ?rsted’s 430 MWAC solar energy center Old 300 in Fort Bend County, Texas, which is expected to come online in Q2 2022.

  “Microsoft has ambitious sustainability objectives for their Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions, and we’re thrilled to support their targets,” said Vishal Kapadia, Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer in ?rsted Onshore. “Given the strong alignment in focus on emission reductions between our two organisations, I’m excited about our continued collaboration.”

  Adrian Anderson, Senior Director, Renewable Energy at Microsoft, said: “On our journey to 100 percent renewable energy, we recognize that innovation and collaboration are fundamental in how we fight against climate change. We’re grateful for our collaboration with ?rsted to deliver renewable energy in ERCOT and look forward to continued progress towards a net-zero carbon future.”

  Old 300 Solar Center is located on approximately 2,800 acres of privately owned land located near the City of Needville in Fort Bend County, Texas. The project represents an investment of more than USD 400 million in the local community that’ll benefit landowners, schools, and other community services for years to come via lease payments and property taxes.

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