
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据能源世界网8月11日墨尔本报道,周三英国石油公司(BP)基于一项研究结果表示,在澳大利亚大规模生产绿





  BP澳大利亚总裁弗雷德里克·鲍德里 (Frederic Baudry) 在一份声明中表示,重要的是,我们的研究还证实了这些难以削减碳排行业的潜在客户的强劲需求,无论是本地市场还是出口市场。这有可能将澳大利亚定位为能源转型的区域强国。







  另外,澳大利亚的 Origin Energy 和日本的三井 OSK Lines 表示,他们将共同研究从 2026 年起澳大利亚绿色氨项目如何供应市场。

  郝芬 译自 能源世界网


  BP sees potential for green hydrogen, ammonia plant in Australia

  The production of green hydrogen and green ammonia is technically feasible at scale in Australia, but will require a major investment in port, electricity and water services, BP said on Wednesday, based on the findings of a study.

  The study, supported by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), looked at building a demonstration plant and a 1 million tonnes a year facility, with an electrolyser powered by renewable energy to split water to produce hydrogen, which would be used to make green ammonia.

  Australia, the world's top coal exporter and the second largest exporter of liquefied natural gas, wants to develop green hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in a global push to cut carbon emissions.

  BP, which plans to spend $5 billion a year on low-carbon investments, found the mid-west region of Western Australia was a particularly promising location for large-scale green hydrogen production, as it has vast land access and abundant wind and sunshine.

  "importantly, our study also confirmed strong demand from potential customers in the hard-to-abate sectors, and for both local and export markets," BP Australia President Frederic Baudry said in a statement.

  "This has the potential to position Australia as a regional powerhouse of the energy transition," Baudry said.

  Hard-to-abate sectors include steel making and long-haul transport.

  The study, done by engineering firm GHD, found developing a hydrogen industry would depend on government support, including building transmission lines, expanding ports, providing incentives and setting emissions targets.

  "The absence of a carbon price or emissions cap is a key barrier to attracting investment in renewable technologies such as hydrogen," GHD said.

  The Australian government has refused to set a price on carbon or commit to net zero emissions by 2050.

  GHD gave no cost estimates for a commercial scale plant.

  BP said it would work with others to develop plans for green hydrogen projects in Western Australia.

  Separately, Australia's Origin Energy and Japan's Mitsui OSK Lines said they would jointly study how Australian green ammonia projects could supply markets from 2026.

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