
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据世界石油2021年8月10日报道,根据全球领先的数据分析公司GlobalData公布的统计数据,在今年下半年启


  GlobalData在其题为“2021年下半年许可证出售招标前景——尽管预期未来几年将增加,但今年许可证出售招标由于COVID-19的影响仍然很低”的报告中表明,在今年下半年,目前启动的16轮许可证出售招标预计将在今年年底前结束。 在今年下半年,亚洲将举办轮数最多的许可证出售招标,有6轮,其次是南美洲,有3轮。


  GlobalData石油和天然气分析师Nikolas Pachipis评论道:“许多上游公司持续的财务纪律和勘探预算的削减可能会推动勘探活动向成熟盆地和已有基础设施的地区发展。 在当前环境下,拥有高资本可用性的公司可能处于有利地位,能够参与多轮许可证出售招标,并利用降低的服务成本和竞争。”


  李峻 编译自 世界石油


  Offshore acreage dominates 2021 licensing rounds worldwide

  Over 35% of the acreage available in licensing rounds that are either open or scheduled to close in H2 2021 are located in shallow water, while ultra-deep water and deepwater acreage account for 24% and 19%, respectively, according to GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

  The company’s report, ‘H2 2021 Global Bid Round Outlook – Licensing Rounds in 2021 Remain Low Due to the Impact of COVID-19, Although Expectations have Grown for the Coming Years’, reveals that in H2 2021, 16 licensing rounds that are currently open are expected to close by the end of the year. Asia is hosting the largest number of licensing rounds in H2 2021 with six, followed by South America with three.

  Among the rounds which are scheduled to close in H2 2021, Malaysia is offering the largest volume of acreage in the PETRonAS Licensing Round 2021 (MBR 2021), which will be held in August 2021. Malaysia is followed by the 2021 Offshore Acreage Release Round in Australia, and the International Bid Round 2021 in Egypt.

  Nikolas Pachipis, Oil & Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “ongoing financial discipline and cuts in the exploration budget by many upstream companies could push exploration activities toward mature basins and areas with existing infrastructure. Companies with high capital availability in the current environment may be in an advantageous position to participate in licensing rounds and capitalize on reduced service costs and competition.”

  Among countries, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, and Indonesia are expected to host a major portion of the licensing round activity that is scheduled to close in H2 2021

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