2021年美国天然气产量将上升 需求将下降

   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据天然气加工网站8月10日报道 美国能源信息管理署(EIA)在其《短期能源展望》中表示,美国天然气产量

   据天然气加工网站8月10日报道 美国能源信息管理署(EIA)在其《短期能源展望》中表示,美国天然气产量将在2021年上升,去年因冠状病毒需求破坏而下降。








  王磊 摘译自 天然气加工


  U.S. natgas output to rise, demand to fall in 2021

  U.S. natural gas production will rise in 2021 after falling last year due to coronavirus demand destruction, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said in its Short Term Energy Outlook.

  EIA projected dry gas production will rise to 92.15 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) in 2021 and 94.88 bcfd in 2022 from 91.35 bcfd in 2020. That compares with an all-time high of 93.06 bcfd in 2019.

  The agency also projected gas consumption would fall to 82.46 bcfd in 2021 before rising to 83.78 bcfd in 2022 from 83.25 bcfd in 2020. That compares with a record high of 85.15 bcfd in 2019.

  If the outlook is correct, 2022 would mark the first time consumption falls for two years in a row since 2006.

  The EIA's 2021 supply projection in August was lower than its July forecast of 92.55 bcfd, while its August demand projection was higher than its July forecast of 82.32 bcfd.

  The agency forecast U.S. liquefied natural gas exports would reach 9.48 bcfd in 2021 and 10.15 bcfd in 2022, up from a record 6.53 bcfd in 2020. That is lower than its July forecast of 9.56 bcfd in 2021.

  The EIA projected U.S. coal production will rise to 607 million short tons in 2021 before sliding to 601 million short tons in 2022 from 535 million short tons in 2020, its lowest since 1965, as power plants burn more coal due to a forecast increase in gas prices.

  The EIA projected carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels will rise to 4.887 billion tonnes in 2021 and 4.933 billion tonnes in 2022 as power generators burn more coal. That is up from 4.571 billion tonnes in 2020, which was the lowest since 1983.

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