
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:    据世界能源8月9日消息:意大利国家能源公司(Enel Green Power Italia)与高科技海军工程公司Fincant

    据世界能源8月9日消息:意大利国家能源公司(Enel Green Power Italia)与高科技海军工程公司Fincantieri签署了一份谅解备忘录(MoU),旨在为港口地区的绿色氢生产、供应、管理和使用制定一个综合解决方案。




  Enel位于La Spezia的Eugenio Montale电厂将作为该协议所涵盖活动的初始试验场。

  Enel Green Power的业务发展主管Carlo Zorzoli表示:“本协议的签署标志着Enel Green Power承诺与有兴趣在无法实现电气化的行业开发绿色氢气使用解决方案的运营商的合作又向前迈进了一步,从而通过工业活动的脱碳来促进能源转型过程。”

  Fincantieri的首席商业顾问Laura Luigia Martini称:“欧洲到2050年实现碳中和的目标需要建立一个工业生态系统,Fincantieri通过与意大利主要参与者达成一系列运营协议,在短时间内实现复杂项目,已经在这个系统上具体工作了一段时间。"



  冯娟 摘译自 世界能源


  Enel Forges Italian Ports Green Hydrogen Pact

  Enel Green Power Italia has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with high-tech naval engineering company Fincantieri to work towards an integrated solution for the production, supply, management and use of green hydrogen for port areas.

  The two companies will evaluate the possibility of collaborating both in the supply of green hydrogen to naval, submarine and surface vessels, and to industrial users within port areas.

  This will include the design and construction of the necessary infrastructure, such as storage, where necessary, and in the design and development of a system for the management of energy flows.

  The latter could include the involvement of other companies from the respective groups.

  Enel’s Eugenio Montale power plant in La Spezia will be used as an initial test site for the activities covered by the agreement.

  Enel Green Power head of business development Carlo Zorzoli said: “The signing of this agreement represents a further step forward in Enel Green Power's commitment to collaborating with operators interested in developing solutions for the use of green hydrogen in sectors where electrification is not possible, thus contributing to the energy transition process through the decarbonization of industrial activities.”

  Fincantieri chief executive business advisor Laura Luigia Martini said: “The European goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 requires the creation of an industrial eco-system on which Fincantieri has been working concretely for some time through a series of operational agreements with the major Italian players for the realisation of complex projects in a short time.

  “In this way, we proactively respond not only to the Community demands that States must comply with, but we also consolidate our leadership position in the process towards a more sustainable economy and society.”

  Enel said the MoU could “successively undergo future binding agreements defined according to applicable rules and regulations, including those regarding operations between related parties”.

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