
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据世界能源新闻/2021年8月5日报道,日本三菱造船株式会社一直与川崎Kisen Kaisha有限公司(“K”线)和

   据世界能源新闻/2021年8月5日报道,日本三菱造船株式会社一直与川崎Kisen Kaisha有限公司(“K”线)和日本Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)合作,对“海上二氧化碳捕获系统”的小型示范工厂进行测试操作和测量,以验证设备的使用情况。 目前,该设备已经安装在日本三菱重工位于横滨造船厂机械厂的本木工厂的《科罗纳公用事业号》船上。这艘船是日本东北电力公司的煤炭运输船,由“K”线运营。

  这个项目得到了日本国土、基础设施、交通和旅游省(MLIT)海事局的支持,作为其海上资源开发技术进步研究和开发援助项目的一部分。 此次测试包括将陆上发电厂现有的二氧化碳捕获系统的设计转换为海洋环境,并将其安装在实际服役的船舶上。


  三菱造船株式会社的工程师们将在该船的航行期间在船上进行调试,提供紧凑的二氧化碳捕获示范装置,并在海上进行性能评估,以及对分离和回收的二氧化碳进行分析。 到2021年底,三菱重工和“K”线将对操作此演示装置的船员进行验证测试,并评估其安全性和可操作性,目的是将该系统作为一个基于海上的、紧凑的二氧化碳回收系统进行实际应用。

  李峻 编译自 世界能源新闻


  Japanese Project Tests Ship-based CO2 Capture System

  Mitsubishi Shipbuilding has been working in cooperation with Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” Line) and Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK), to conduct test operations and measurements for a small scale demonstration plant of the “Marine-based CO2 Capture System”, in order to verify the equipment’s use. The equipment has now been installed on board the Corona Utility, a coal carrier for Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. operated by “K” Line, at MHI’s Honmoku Plant at the Yokohama Dockyard & Machinery Works.

  This project is being conducted with support from the Maritime Bureau of Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), as part of its assistance project for research and development of technological advancements in marine resource development. The demonstration involves converting the design of an existing CO2 capture system for onshore power plants to a marine environment, and installing it on board an actual ship in service.

  This project, called “Carbon Capture on the Ocean” (CC-Ocean), is intended to achieve CO2 capture at sea, a world first.

  Mitsubishi Shipbuilding engineers will travel on the ship during its voyage, providing commissioning of the compact CO2 capture demonstration plant, and conducting performance evaluation assessments while at sea, as well as analysis of the separated and recovered CO2. By the end of fiscal 2021, MHI and “K” Line will conduct verification tests with the ship crew operating the demo plant, and evaluate its safety and operability, with the aim of practical application of the system as a marine-based, compact CO2 recovery system.

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