
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:    据能源世界网8月7日新德里报道,根据印度政府的旗舰项目,“先进化学电池( ACC )”和“国家氢任

    据能源世界网8月7日新德里报道,根据印度政府的旗舰项目,“先进化学电池( ACC )”和“国家氢任务”,旨在根据 2015 年《巴黎气候协定》和2030年“零碳排放铁路使命",减少温室气体(GHG) 排放,印度铁路将使用氢燃料技术运行列车。

  ADG PRO Rajiv Jain告诉ANI称,我们将对运行在哈里亚纳邦金德和索尼帕特之间的89公里轨道上的DEMU列车进行改造。8月17日将举行投标前会议,我们希望这一流程能在10 月5日前完成。

  此外,铁路能源管理有限公司的首席执行官SK Saxena补充道,氢燃料是最清洁的燃料。我们将拆除柴油发动机,安装氢燃料电池。燃料将由柴油改为氢燃料。这将是最清洁的燃料。如果氢是由太阳能产生的,其将被称为绿色能源。

  在周六的新闻发布会上,该国铁道部表示,最近有一个预算声明,在该国启动氢交通(Hydrogen Mobility )的概念。印度铁路的绿色燃料直属部门——印度铁路替代燃料组织(IROAF)接受了这一挑战,在铁路网上发出竞标氢燃料电池列车的邀请。该项目将在北方铁路89公里的索尼帕特-金德段启动。


  郝芬 译自 能源世界网


  Indian Railways to run trains on hydrogen fuel-based technology

  Under the flagship programs of the Government, 'Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Batteries' and 'National Hydrogen Mission', to cut down on the Green House Gas (GHG) emission under Paris Climate Agreement 2015 and 'Mission Net Zero Carbon Emission Railway' by 2030, Indian Railways are set to run trains on hydrogen fuel-based technology.

  "We'll do retrofitting on DEMU trains which run on 89 km track between Haryana's Jind and Sonipat. A pre-bid conference for this will be held on August 17 and we hope that process will finish by October 5," ADG PRO Rajiv Jain told ANI.

  Further, SK Saxena, CEO of Railway Energy Management Company Limited added that hydrogen fuel is the cleanest fuel. "We'll remove the diesel generator and install a hydrogen fuel cell. Input will change to hydrogen fuel from diesel. It'll be the cleanest form of fuel. If hydrogen is generated from solar it'll be called green power," he said.

  In a press release on Saturday, the Ministry of Railways said, "There has been recent budgetary pronouncement to kick off the concept of Hydrogen Mobility in the Country. Accepting it as a challenge, the Indian Railways Organization of Alternate Fuel (IROAF), Green Fuel vertical of Indian Railways, has invited the bids for Hydrogen Fuel Cell-based Train on Railways Network. The project shall commence in 89km Sonipat-Jind section of Northern Railway."

  Highlighting that Rs 2.3 crore will be saved annually due to the project, the ministry said, "Initially, 2 DEMU rakes will be converted and later, 2 Hybrid locos will be converted based on Hydrogen Fuel cell power movement. There will be no change in the driving console. Also, the project will lead to saving of Rs 2.3 Cr. annually."

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