
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据世界能源新闻2021年8月5日报道,圭亚那国家采购和招标委员会管理局网站周三宣布,圭亚那已收到来自1


  圭亚那政府在7月放弃之前的招标以后重新启动了招标。 投标截止日期为8月3日,有兴趣公司被要求表明他们将对每桶出口原油收取的佣金。 委员会没有说明何时选出合伙人。



  提交投标的公司包括荷兰皇家壳牌公司、雪佛龙公司、法国道达尔能源公司和挪威Equinor等西方石油巨头的子公司。 经营斯塔布鲁克区块的财团的合作伙伴美国赫斯公司提交了投标,而主要合作伙伴埃克森美孚公司则没有提交。



  李峻 编译自 世界能源新闻


  15 Bids in To Market Guyana Governent Crude

  Guyana received bids from 15 different companies aiming to market the government's share of the crude produced off the South American country's coast, according to Guyana's National Procurement and Tender Board Administration website on Wednesday.

  The government re-launched the search last month after a previous tender was discarded. Bids were due on Aug. 3, and companies were asked to indicate the commission they would charge per barrel of crude exported. The board did not indicate when it would select a partner.

  An Exxon Mobil Corp-led consortium has discovered more than 8 billion barrels of oil and gas off Guyana's coast, transforming the poor country into the world's newest energy hotspot.

  Guyana is entitled to a portion of the oil produced at the offshore Stabroek block, but needs a partner to market that share of the crude given that the country lacks a state oil company or domestic refining capacity.

  The companies submitting bids included units of western oil majors such as Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron Corp, France's TotalEnergies SE and Norway's Equinor ASA . Hess Corp, a partner in the consortium that operates Stabroek block, submitted a bid, while lead partner Exxon did not.

  Other companies submitting bids included commodities trading houses like Mercuria and Trafigura, as well as units of Saudi Arabia's Aramco.

  The proposed commissions ranged from 2 cents per barrel, to 26 cents per barrel.

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